Four years ago former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was released from custody after serving seven years of a 28 year prison sentence on corruption charges, after receiving a pardon from Donald Trump [click
here if you missed that].
Last night Kwame celebrated the 4th anniversary of his release at one of Trump's inauguration galas...
Adulterer! Thief! Trader! Fraud!
One thing a demonic jail bird is going to do is rely on Trump to give them a pardon. God knows all and he sees everything.
Black slime belongs with Trump. That includes Snoop.
Fulfilling his ring-kissing obligation.
^Co-sign everything. They deserve each other. Fat walrus lookin' bi'h.
He wearing cheaper suits now that detroiters ain’t paying for them any more.
Freedom for focking up Detroit
Some of yall judging are laid up with a man way worse than Kwame
He a new man, not a better one.
Where Christine Beaty at? The woman who brought the walls down on Detroit.
I went to HS with this fool. CT. He was goofy then too.
No Shame.
@ 12:20 PM. Way worse than Kwame ? You do know this fool balled till he falled right? Left all the women and children belly up. Then went to the pokey. Kwame got that.
Then after being found Guilty AS Charged, he tried to work on the judge's sympathy when he brought his kids to court during his sentencing, but it failed and the judge sentenced him to prison!
Detroit was FED UP w/ KK!
Why do ppl that do the wrong thing always want to praise God for what they did?
He'll be back in prison after another scam. Some simps don't learn their lesson.
12:35 yep I know his story very well, and still stand by what I said.
People like this use God and bring up God because they Or religion and they know that our religion has taught us to turn the other cheek and to be forgiving of all things and to not judge people for their sins or for their crimes so they really bring it up as a reminder to don’t judge me because the Bible says you should not judge me And I should be given another chance This is why you have a lot of black women giving felons a chance and when something happens, everybody wanna blame them and be like well. Why would she mess with him? He had been in jail before like we’re not told to do this all the time
He is a perfect example that there's somebody for EVERYBODY.
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