Monday, January 13, 2025

Keyshia Cole's Home Burns Down in LA Fires

R&B singer Keyshia Coles loses her home to Los Angeles wildfires...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So sad to read this. When did she relocate back to Cali? I thought she lived in the ATL area.

Anonymous said...

She was in foreclosure anyway. šŸ«¤

Anonymous said...

Deon Cole
Keisha Cole

Anonymous said...

I thought she lived in Oaktown.

Anonymous said...

I like when they show a before and after shot. That puts things more in perspective.

Anonymous said...

Poor Keysha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

šŸ˜ šŸ«¤

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Come on back to the ATL Keysha.

Anonymous said...

Who else lost they house?

Anonymous said...

Why are the trees not burned

Anonymous said...

And the basketball net? Hope they had insurance

Anonymous said...

^Good Question. It kinda signals that some of these fires may've been caused by arson not only by the windstorm.
When I saw those puny looking palm trees in the back that the fires should've devoured before reaching those brick & mortar homes I started suspecting arsonists on the loose.
If the mayor and Governor can prove there arsonists involved this won't be as political as the dump administration so desperately want to make it in to, given they will never win or turn Cali into a red state as long as Gavin is Gov.

Anonymous said...

@7:03PM NO!!!

Anonymous said...

If her Cali crib burnt down she may have no other choice but to head back to the ATL.

All the hotels in Southern LA are booked up for awhile. KC gotta go somewhere preferably someplace she may own property.

Karenda said...

Some of the palm trees are fire resistant. They were planted for that very reason. Southern Cali is prone to fires.

Meghan will be alright.

Karenda said...

Wrong story. I meant Keyshia.

Anonymous said...

Um, Run that back.

They made fire-resistant palm trees yet they allow multi-million dollar houses with priceless items in them to burn down completely?!?

Does that sound right to you?

Jcee said...

I donā€™t usually get off into conspiracy theories, but I thought I saw someone mention a palm trees. I went back to look at the picture and where is the house? I understand it burned down but even the remnants of it like you donā€™t see any furniture remnants of furniture, remnants of a frame of a house this is just weird like maybe itā€™s the angle of the picture but the lot doesnā€™t even look big No bed frames I donā€™t know it just looks weird

Jcee said...

Ok the video is better but still you have this other furniture still standing which was yard furniture but nothing left from inside like a frame of the furniture idk.

Anonymous said...

The righteous will suffer the wrath of the unrighteous if you donā€™t separate. Godā€™s hand is against Hollywood for promoting same sex marriages on tv and in film and in the music industry. If you are cool with the LGBTQā€¦ heā€™s coming for you! You think can live against the will of God and not suffer his wrath???!!!!! YOU Stiffnecked, stubborn and rebellious people! God is REAL and he is not to be tested! REPENT NOW and praise God that he has allowed you to LIVE.

Karenda said...

Sometimes it's best not to explain complex (or even not so complex) subjects to mediocre minds.
@ 10:32 PM...You're absolutely right. There is no such thing as landscape engineering. Every natural disaster is a conspiracy caused by the government and I don't know what came over me.

Anonymous said...

Tell God to strike you for being on a public ghosip post talking hate to others different from you. God made everyone.
The next houses should be made šŸ”„ proof.

Anonymous said...

@11:59 PM, Prove there's a god.

Anonymous said...

She's had a lot of tragedy in her young life. She's strong and will survive this also.

Anonymous said...

What you said made absolutely no sense, 8:18PM and 7:54am! Return back to school and take your studies seriously this time!

Anonymous said...

8:18PM is one of those stupid people who says stupid shit and then tries to gaslight people into thinking the stupid shit they said made sense by claiming it's too complex for someone who's really intelligent to understand.

Karenda said...

10:32 PM, 2:02 PM & 2:57 PM...It's okay. Don't worry your pretty little head about stupid stuff like biology and physics. Don't go looking up the water content of certain palm trees and why they're more fire resistant than others. Don't learn about city planning and their use of landscape engineers to help problem solve the threat of wild fires in Southern California. Just make up conspiracy theories about things you don't understand and get the other dummies to follow along. Duh! The government blah, blah,

Anonymous said...

Why Don't You Go Looking Up A Semester Course Schedule and get Acclimated With Returning To School and Getting a Real Education!
I'm not either of those commenters but I Concur with What They Said About You.

No One's Buying What You're Selling 5:40 PM I Thought We Told You From The Start.

Karenda said...

@ 7:08 PM aka 10:32 PM, 2:02 PM & 2:57 PM...
You had over 12 hours to look up the science behind wildfires and their fuel but you choose to double down on your dumbness. I don't need to take another semester at school. I have a professional degree in one of the STEM fields. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you spent your school days sitting at the back of the class and bullying the nerds instead of paying attention. Any stab at learning at your big age might make your head explode, lol. Don't pay attention to anything I say and go back to your YouTube conspiracy theories.

Anonymous said...

^STFU, Already & Go TF to Bed!

Anonymous said...

Karenda loooooooooooooooves to argue, folks! Even when its w/herself! lol

Anonymous said...

f**k you doing on here then if you a scholar????? You full of sh*t!
Like 12:23 said!

Karenda said...

If I'm arguing with myself then who are you? Think about that for a moment. Do you even exist?

Anonymous said...

Wow. You're big mad. Transfer that energy into reading a book.

Anonymous said...

Just ignore Karenda, y'all. She starts shiz & only makes herself look even dumber than her last comment.

Anonymous said...

I know she prolly not thinking about it rn but KC needs new music out.

Karenda said...

@ 10:06 AM aka ALL CAPS...So you're just going to die on that hill, huh? You're giving me second hand embarrassment with each post. Please stop.

Anonymous said...


I have MUCH BETTER things to focus on than you & your bullsh!t, Karenda!

By The Way, you ain't said nothing worth anyone losing their lives over because what you said was STUPID!


Anonymous said...

Refer to 12:27 and 10:06 A.M., People!

Keyshia Cole 's plight , just as the others, is definitely sad. I hope she wasn't one of those homeowners who didn't have homeowners'/fire insurance coverage.

Anonymous said...

You should have 1st hand embarrassment for the ignorant sh*t you posts on here! lol

Karenda said...

^^^Still haven't got up the nerve to research anything we've talked about, have you? Sorry. Didn't mean to give you classroom flash backs. I promise no one will call you to the front of the class. It's ok to be wrong, you know. No one here will think any less of you (than they already do).

Anonymous said...

People, REFER to 12:27 and 10:06 am, Please. Thank You!

Anonymous said...





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