Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Detroit Pastor Delivers Benediction for Trump Swearing In Ceremony

Last year Reverend Lorenzo Sewell hosted Donald Trump at his church in Detroit [click here if you missed that].

Yesterday Rev. Sewell was on hand to deliver an energetic benediction following Donald Trump's swearing in ceremony...


Anonymous said...

A tad bit dramatic but nevertheless excellent! Was this MLK's speech?

Anonymous said...

He sounded like a damn fool

Anonymous said...

No Words.

Anonymous said...

It's comical to see those YT folks & current dummies in command with their eyes wide open while the former Pres & VP bowed like good little bozos. The jokes really do write themselves.

Anonymous said...

That's b/c the current administration don't believe they have a Higher Power to answer to, but Pres. Joe Biden and V.Pres. Kamala Harris bowed their heads to give honor and respect for what they believed would be a serious prayer to God.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who takes anything remotely serious that's related to this dumpster dive of an administration is a fool. Child please.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the "Negro Spiritual" theme of music being played at the inaugrazation?

Anonymous said...

We told ya'll Trump was going to win. And now he's getting rid of the invaders. Kick them all out, let them invade Mexico. I don't have any children and I'm tired of paying for theirs.

Anonymous said...

Getting rid of immigrants (and trans athletes) helped get voters to the polls. Trump will get rid of them AND a whole lot of other things.

Here's a list he published yesterday of some of the Executive Orders he wants to reverse. Guess what's at the top of the list. It ain't immigrants or trans athletes.


Anonymous said...

I heard he was coming.

Anonymous said...

I heard he was cooning.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Coonin' and bufoonin'

Anonymous said...

Preacherman time to shine

Anonymous said...

This preacher does not know TMH.

Anonymous said...

^ Most don't, but did the audience? lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Word is the so=called preacher is a former drug dealer turned preacher. So, no, he don't know TMH but neither does the Political Right the guy who he'd appeared to had voted for either!

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