"Abbott Elementary," renewed for season 5 on ABC...
From Variety
“Abbott Elementary” has made it to the fifth grade.
Quinta Brunson’s scholastic sitcom has been renewed for Season 5 at ABC.
Season 4 of “Abbott Elementary” is currently airing on Wednesdays on ABC at 8:30 p.m. ET and streaming the next day on Hulu. The series recently hit a viewership peak with 8.05 million people tuning in to its winter premiere, a crossover episode with “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.”
The show stars Brunson as Janine Teagues, Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie, Janelle James as Ava Coleman, Chris Perfetti as Jacob Hill, Lisa Ann Walter as Melissa Schemmenti, William Stanford Davis as Mr. Johnson and Sheryl Lee Ralph as Barbara Howard. The teachers, principal and custodian work together to educate unruly kids while navigating the challenges of an underfunded Philadelphia elementary school.
Cha Ching.
My wife’s fav show.
This show is hilarious. I disagree with their description of the kids, though. With few exceptions they aren't unruly. I wouldn't even watch if that was the case.
My favorite show!
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