Thursday, January 30, 2025

50 Cent Calls A$AP Relli a Sucker

This week A$AP Relli testified against A$AP Rocky in his felony assault trial after accusing Rocky of shooting at him [click here if you missed that]. 

Rapper 50 Cent calls Relli a sucker...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

50 really needs to take a seat. Really.

Anonymous said...

Cause it would have been better had he got unalived. Please go away with that hood mentality. It’s why y’all stay losing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yr dumb if that's what you got from that comment,10:48!

Anonymous said...

Reading is fundamental and ppl on here should gather attention from others instead of misreading stuff commenting on what was misread, just so they can get a reaction from the poster!
Yea, that was aimed @ you, 1048!

Anonymous said...

I'm with 10:48.

Anonymous said...

10;48 must be female. js cus nobody else read what 10:08 posted and came to the same conclusion as you.

Anonymous said...

Then you must be just as dumb as 10:48 too, 12:31. There wasn't anything remotely stated in 10:08's comment that said "hood mentality".
ASAPRocky shouldn't have pulled anything to scare ASAPRelli. If they had a problem they could've fought it out, not pull toy weapons on him!
Use your brains!

Anonymous said...

I'm w/ every1 who's w/ 10:08!

Anonymous said...

What I garnered from what 10:08 said was 50's long rumored to be a snitch since the 90's. A$AP Relli is being clowned for snitching even though he's the victim in the case. 50 should be clownin' ASAP Rocky for trying to act gangsta with a fake gun shooting it off after agreeing to meet with his former friend in order to scare him. They could've fought if it came to a battle. Rocky didn't have to bust off!
No "hood mentality" was presented, 10:48. Anybody with brain cells and the ability to read and understand what was read knew what was stated.

Anonymous said...

^Thank you. I got that same point and I wondered what 10:08 was going off about.

I hope asap rocky goes to jail for bustin' off on his boy.

Anonymous said...

This thread reads like it's just one person responding to themselves, because neither comment they keep referring to is even worth all this back and forth.

Anonymous said...

shawn carter filing worthless motions

Anonymous said...

"It's why y'all stay losing."
@10:48, Who's "y'all"???
Your post is considered racist!
Why don't you Go Away?!

Anonymous said...

If you're "with 10:48" and you share that blatantly racist perspective then you need to go away too, 12:30!

Anonymous said...

You're on the wrong post/thread, 1:05pm

Anonymous said...

The thread reads like each read the comment in question and the majority came away with the same conclusion, 1:02P.M.

Anonymous said...

1:02 it's the caps burglar. We've learned to ignore it

Anonymous said...

^^^"Karenda"/Sh*t Stalking Starter, Is that you? Striking again where you not needed! Lol

Anonymous said...

Anyone saying 50 should be quiet sound dumb. So, he can’t give his opinion but YOU can! Make it make sense!

Anonymous said...

If It Don't Make Sense to You By Now It Will Never Make Sense To YOU!
The problem is: Curtis Jackson has too many "opinions" and it's always on b.s.!
So, NO, 50 cannot voice his opinions and I Can!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

50 act like a scorned bish

Karenda said...

Awww! Not Caps misses me. I'm flattered. But no need to ask about me. You'll know it's me each and every time.

Anonymous said...

^Except for the times when you're that crazy stalker 'chris'! Can't believe you showed your hand on that another thread! Lmao!
You been on here all day though you not fooling nobody, Stalker Sh*t Starter .
And again, we're all "Not Caps"

Karenda said...

Not Caps, you're better off reading tea leaves than reading me. All that you thought you saw wasn't actually there. I don't use emojis (as if!) and I wasn't the one you were arguing with. I'm not the only one who recognizes that you have faulty logic.

Anonymous said...

We' re "Not Caps" b/c we ALL use regular lower cases when typing. Why do you keep calling someone "Not Caps"?
Anyways, do you have anything to say on topic b/c you appear to be that Sh*t Starter" you've been called on nearly every thread?
asap relli took the stand today for Day 4, you got any opinions on that, SS?

Karenda said...

Not at all. I was summoned by Not Caps. And if the name don't apply, let it fly by.

Anonymous said...

Stalking Sh*t Starter, There's no 1 by the name Not Caps" on here and your goofy ass wasn't "summoned"! lol
SSS, You were being made fun of b/c the commenter sounded as though you were pretending to be Anonymous as you often do.
Funny, SS, you didn't pick up on that assuming somebody wanted you! lmao

Karenda said...

"^^^"Karenda"/Sh*t Stalking Starter, Is that you?"

Y'all some weirdos. Why ask questions if you really don't want the answers? Anon 2:00 PM gave some good advice. And when I say 'y'all' I mean all of the voices in your head.

Anonymous said...

Not now, crazy stalker 'chris', those of us that are interested in this thread's subject matter are trying to stay on topic. lol
You can start sh*t somewhere else where you think you're wanted or "summoned"! Hehehehehehehehe

Anonymous said...

Back On Topic:
I wasn't aware that the security footage of A$AP Rocky yoking up A$AP Relli with that gun behind his back was clearer than what I was led to believe.
ET showed it on today's show and all I can is looks like it's a wrap for ASAP Rocky!

Anonymous said...

@424 pm. He does act like a scorned bish. I think he never got over being a fat kid. Nicca needs to stop pointing at people.

Anonymous said...

I just wanna know why does Curtis G-A-F about Relli or Rocky?
What does he have to gain by sticking his nose in this? and why do ppl care what his opinion is when he's known as a snitch?

Anonymous said...

Shut up clown

Anonymous said...

Opinions are like a-holes. Everyone has one.

Anonymous said...

Morning everyone, this is your person the REAL Chris. 😎 Imitation is the highest form of flattery; I see I have fans on here. Ppl trying to be me, wishing they could be me. πŸ₯° All Caps somewhere guzzling tea living in the world of make believe. Imagining that ppl are stalking her! 🀣

Anonymous said...

Not now, Karenda/ Sh!t Starting Stalker Crazy 'chris'!
Nobody G-A-F about the stupid sh!t you sayin cuz we too busy talking about A$AP Relli/A$AP Rocky and 50 Cent rn!
Go play withchu toes in the corner & Beat it!

Anonymous said...

^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the floor lmmfao rn!

Anonymous said...

Curtis Jackson didn't grow up w/ siblings and you can tell the way he's in his 50's and still clownin' folks like it's a game or something.
50's Forever a Child in his behavior.

Anonymous said...

@1:58PM Chris here.😠 No, I will not beat it or play w/my toes in the corner! But you can kiss my entire arse! Take your time doing it too cause I have a lot of it! 😚😚

Anonymous said...

@1:59PM Why? That shyte wasn't funny. It was lame & the person did NOT check me. Stop being such an impressionable ponk. Love Chris. 😚

Karenda said...

Look at the time stamps. Not Caps laugh at her own jokes all the time.

Karenda said...

Oh, and I'm not trying to be anyone but Karenda. Do you, though.

Anonymous said...

Chris back here. 😎 I already had that figured out Karenda, & I think Not Caps is All Caps. So along w/being paranoid, Caps has a foot fetish as well.πŸ‘£She's probably sucking her own toes now as we speak. A lot of ppl like to use whip cream or icing, but Caps the type that would put hot sauce on hers. Enjoy! πŸ˜‹

Anonymous said...

Not now, go back in the corner & count to 100 million, Karenda Sh%t Starting Stalker weirdo character ! This si grown up discussion and absolutely nobody G-AF about your babbling b/c we already know you're Karenda you'll never convince any1 otherwise!

Anonymous said...

Look @ the time stamps, Sh%t starter Karenda comments too often meaning she's guilty as charged of being weirdo stalker 'chris' character that no1's convinced that she isn't! lol

Anonymous said...

Karenda, I didn't wanna believe yr Crazy stalker 'chris', but yr time stamps and going back n forth from yrself to that stalker weirdo 'chris' is making me believe you just might be that weirdo stalker 'chris'. The time stamps support this.
girrrrrrrrrrrl, stop. got you looking so crazy rn

Anonymous said...

7:45;7:48; 8:11; 8:14; & 8:49 pm are nothing but crazy chris and Karenda comments today alone. What about your time stamps, Karenda/crazy chris?

Karenda said...

Pull yourself together, Not Caps. I'm legit over here. Are you?

Anonymous said...

Chris AGAIN. 😁 Look dammit, Karenda/All Caps, No Caps/Chris (me) are THREE DIFFERENT PPL!!!! Again for the record, I'm not stalking ANYONE, I've been falsely accused. All I'm doing is commenting to what ppl are saying. Caps got mad cause I called her toes sucking, tea guzzling, (what else?) arse out. Anyways, Good night y'all try to catch you tomorrow. πŸ˜—πŸ˜—

Anonymous said...

Yet, your time stamp says 10:01& the comment under yours, crazy weirdo stalker 'chris' time stamp reads: 10:08 PM.
So, SSS/Karenda, why don't YOU pull yourself together! Every time you'd commented as "Karenda" that stalker weirdo comments right after yours.
Stalking Sh#t Starter, face it-the jig is up! Stop this sh#t you on. You looking cray Kray rn.

Anonymous said...

The only comments on here since before 3 pm today has been your, Karenda and that stalker crazy nut Hot Grits Al Green Chris while others been pointing out the similarities in the time stamps in their posts between you both, Sh*t Starter Karenda.
This looks bad for you, girl.

Anonymous said...

Nice try, but All Caps haven't paid this site no mind since posting "11:57 AM" Yesterday and on topic tho.
Don't know why ppl keep talking about someone who ain't thinking about you in more than a day.
53 Comments and only 1 is AC's from yesterday.
None of you Karenda or crazy weird stalker chris has commented on topic just about nonsense from 7:45-10:08 pm TONIGHT so says the time stamps.

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