Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Jaleel White Feels Left Out of the Legacy of Black Entertainment

Family Matters star Jaleel White is promoting his memoir, "Growing Up Urkle," and recently admitted feeling left out of the legacy of Black TV shows because 'Family Matters' was not a "hood story...."



Jcee said...

I loved family matter as a kid and I think that maybe it’s low compared to Martin and living single because imo family matters was a children’s show whereas Martin was more for adults

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of him for the last few months, please fade back into obscurity.

Anonymous said...

Martin and ILC had a lot of different characters that were funny. I enjoyed all. The best an actor can do is make and save your money. It's a matter of luck what your acting part is and how your remembered.

Anonymous said...

It was a children's show and his obnoxiousness made it unwatchable. Family Matters was closer to Different Strokes than it was to Martin.

Anonymous said...

CBS wanted to do a reboot of Family Matters that focused on everyone in the show. He knocked it down because he thought it should be about Jaleel's and Urkel's evolution and their contribution to the show. CBS said fuc that, the reboot is not about you. So Jaleel went off and wrote a memoir that named names, but no one cares because no one like Jaleel.

The end.

anonymous said...

He's insufferable...

R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

Cosby's shows weren't 'hood.

Anonymous said...

@11:04... Jaleel knows all shows weren't hood because he was in one.

Jaleel was in a show called Charlie and Co with Gladys Knight and Flip Wilson BEFORE he was in Family Matters. It was CBS's answer to The Cosby Show. There were other Black TV shows in the 1980s that didn't focus on low-income earners. The Robert Guilluame Show, The New Odd Couple, Franks Place, etc.

He is so full of it. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

^ you just dated yourself chile. Even I don't know them shows. lOLO

Anonymous said...

Frank’s Place was an excellent show.

Anonymous said...

So what the poster dated themselves! Are only people under 30 supposed to comment on here or have some insight. Aging can be akin to wisdom? Are you 12? Dafuq!? Grow up!

On topic, he's annoying and needs to fade away. He had one hit show that characterized him as an annoying dufus and he's mad the world didn't fall at his feet. Delusional doesn't begin to describe this clown.,

Anonymous said...

Black people think that Frank's Place is the best show about us ever.

Anonymous said...

Bye Boy!

Anonymous said...

Black folks were promoting ghetto shows like that in the 80s/90s. Most were upward bound, college endorsing shows. He simply rode that Urkel wave into the ground. There was even a suave version of Urkel. He would not let it go and the public got sick of it. Hes full of crap

Danielle said...

You wanted to be in the cars with the Neanderthals, now you can stay there and stop bitcĥing.

Anonymous said...


Broaden your level of comprehension. It wasn't a dig at all angry bird.

Anonymous said...

The Cosby's and Living Single wasn't hood. Truth be told neither was Martin, he had a good job and so did Gina.
Family Matters was an ok show but I would never rewatch it, for what?

Anonymous said...

"All that night, I heard the bird circle
while I was eating fish and watchin' Urkel."

No Chiraq said...

Did I do that?

Anonymous said...

I think most of the comments here are spot on. I liked Family Matters; no it wasn't hood nor was it bougie like The Cosby Show. It was middle class & just right in my book. Jaleel needs some humble pie.

Anonymous said...

Jaleel shut up damn. TGIF was geared to children entertainment. It was cheesy comedy.

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