Six years ago Azealia Banks famously triggered an SEC investigation into Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, after Tweeting from Elon's house that he was high on drugs when he announced on Twitter that he was taking Telsa private [click
here if you missed that].
There's still bad blood there...
It all started after Grimes commented on a fan edit of her as Glenda and Azealia as Elphaba from Wicked.
That's when AB went off.
Forget this grimy Grimes heifer. It's time for Azealia to speak some more on Musk. G'wan girlfriend, find a way to lock him up.
Like Cardi B, AB also needs to log off social media for a while. She is always crashing out.
You can tell Azalea misses her yt homegirl and wishes she could be in that circle again. I would never divulge all of my friends secrets the way she did but she's a snake and that's why she's always alone.
^Is there a reason why this was posted twice taking up space from commenters's comments???????????
RWS is on holiday and the spammers are taking over her blog.
If AB spent the same amount of time she does on trolling others and put that time to her music, she could be more successful.
Love Grimes' response. Misery can't respond to truth and compliment!
Get her AB!!
That Sprite ain’t happy!!
Y’all believe anything..
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