Over the weekend King and his girlfriend, J'Nijah “Nana” Epps, were celebrated with a baby shower...
King Harris and Nana's baby shower! 👶🍼🎉 #babyshower #newparents #familylove #kingjniyah #kingharris pic.twitter.com/0tqngvr4RR
— livebitez (@livebitez) October 7, 2024
Maybe her brown skin and features will even out whatever he got going on to make a better looking person. looks aren’t everything so hopefully her attitude and personality is better than his and that will even the baby out personality wise as well. Cuz this light skinned out of control bandit was a problem a menace and a nuisance for the past few years.
Idk, Jcee. That boy has some dominant genes and it's gon take a lot to even that out. A lot. Js.
I know it's wrong to laugh but 1:13 p.m. & 1:29 p.m. make some very HILARIOUSLY VALID POINTS!
She's cute. Glad they are happy.
I pray for these kids having kids...They haven't even figured their lives out yet. And the baby becomes their new toy for social media content.
King's growing into his features & yes his lil baby might turnnout the cutest with all the melanin from mom. Also notice the only kids having babies is Tiny's
2:17 P.M.- Good Observation.
Wait a minute, I thought King was BOTH T.I.& Tiny's son?
Oh well learn something new everyday.
That kid's gonna need all of momma's genes to have a fighting chance not to look like daddy trout mouth.
Froggy got played. This girl had his baby for the coins.
He will never grow into those looks unless you think Gargoyles are cute. LOLO
I'd have had to put a bag over his head before he could make me pregnant. At least she's cute so that might help the baby. I dunno. I couldn't have done that mouth.
2:28, 2:17 meant the kids he had by Tiny. The kids that T.I had by the other 2 women, do not have kids. Only Tiny set of children popping out kids.
2:28 🤣it is both their kid you are correct
Where is Everybody??!!!
She's pretty
He's actually handsome on here. Easy on the eyes, got that hair under control. I hope the child will mature him.
I think he looks handsome
@9:44 Tiny go sit down somewhere with the ”Handsome BS” King & Handsome should not be used in the same sentence.
He looks handsome? Uh uh. He looks light skin.
Handsome like a Chuckie doll.
I see y'all STILL WILDIN' Up In Here! LOL! That Poor Kid & his odd appearance.
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