Monday, September 16, 2024

Tyrese Says He Was Not Arrested

Last week it was reported that Tyrese Gibson had been arrested for failing to pay child support [click here if you missed that].

Tyrese denies the claims...

Insisting he was only detained, not arrested.


Anonymous said...

He is butt hurt because he feels used by the ex that he picked! It’s all good until it’s not! Holding out on child support payments because he feels that his ex and the courts are biased? Now he owes double, due to interest rates and legal fees. Pure genius, NOT!!!

R in NYC said...

I wish he'd just go away and stop boring us with his child support woes.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious he seeks lots of attention. Real men don't get on social media and cry like he does. I like mystery to my person of interest and learn who they are by private conversation.

Anonymous said...

If they placed you in handcuffs then you were arrested.

Anonymous said...

Detained, arrested. Same difference. Either way, they kept you in the police department for not abiding to your court order!

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