Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tyrese Reacts to Child Support Arrest

This week Tyrese was arrested at family court for purposely underpaying his child support [click here if you missed that].

Tyrese reacts to getting locked up...

In a post that has since been deleted Tyrese writes,
"Getting arrested wasn't easy... As a matter of fact, it was very traumatic... One would ask why does this Judge Kevin M. Farmer and my ex Samantha Lawyer, Adam Glickman, HATE ME SO MUCH?"
"I pride myself and [sic] doing everything according to the law, but I am not on any level to be abused by the law!"
"This is not ONLY illegal, but it's beyond the scope of the law and beyond the scope of anything that any lawyer here in Georgia has ever seen or witnessed."
"He has said things on record and comments in court that make it obvious that he does not personally like me, which is illegal in itself… My ex's lawyer can HATE me all he wants; it's allowed... But Judge Kevin M Farmer? That's NOT allowed…"
"I'm very sure that there is collusion and that the judge and Adam Glickman are besties. They allegedly are texting each other constantly, and they've been plotting and scheming and working in conjunction with each other."


Anonymous said...

While everything that Tyrese is saying could be true, the facts remain that he was ordered to pay an amount in child support. He refused to pay and instead, decided to do partial payments. Then he continues to publicly and verbally disrespect the court system. How can he be surprised that he was arrested on contempt? Now he's crying victim and accusing the judge & Samantha of hating him. Ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

He's constantly a victim and never, ever takes responsibility for his own life. A victim says as a victim does....

Sunno said...

He knew jail was an option when he under paid his child support. We don't want to hear nor see his tears.

R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

UGH @ THIS Crybaby @SS Bih

Anonymous said...

This fool literally said he might go to jail for violating the orders, then got the surprise Pikachu face when he went to jail. FAFO, nucca!!

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