Thursday, September 05, 2024

Tyrese Announces Social Media Hiatus

Tyrese announces he is taking a social medial hiatus in an emotional post on Instagram....

The hiatus only lasted a few hours and Tyrese is back posting as usual.


mil262 said...


Anonymous said...

Tyrese annoys my soul. He is about as "Alpha Male" as a 12 year old girl. 🙄

LOLOL said...

AND HIT THE ROAD JACK WE DONT WANT TO SEE OR HEAR FROM YOU NO MORE. That's an oldie but goodie from Ray Charles

Anonymous said...

Then right after he made that post, he turned right around last night, made another video and posted it to IG. He's full of it!

Tyrese is weird but his music is amazing. I listened to his new album on my drive this morning and it is an incredible body of work. I can't stop listening to it. It's so smooth.

Lynny said...

Yes he’s annoying and way over the top but I feel like alot of this behavior lately is cause he lost his mother and sisters idk that’s what I think …..

Anonymous said...

Promises, promises...

R in NYC said...

I checked out his latest movie 1992. It was solid. He needs to just focus on his work and stop being an annoying Emo male who can't accept the woman moved on

Anonymous said...

I like his new music.

Anonymous said...

The only solution for Cry Baby is intensive shock therapy.

The King Of The Real said...

I give him two weeks

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