Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Trina McGee Suffers Miscarriage

Three months ago 52-year-old "Boy Meets World," actress Trina McGee surprised her fans and her kids, after announcing she was pregnant [click here if you missed that].

This week Trina told Tamron Hall she lost the baby...

Trina McGee revealed that she suffered a miscarriage.
On Monday, the “Boy Meets World” actress opened up about the heartbreaking loss during an appearance on the “Tamron Hall Show.”
“I did lose the baby. It wasn’t expected, it was closer to the end of the first trimester. We don’t have any real reasons why,” she told host Tamron Hall while holding back tears.
“I was still so grateful to have the experience of being able to conceive at this age and this time.”
McGee, who is married to Marcello Thedford, said she has been dealing with “a lot of depression” and that it’s been “hard to get out of bed” since the loss of her fourth child.
“There are so many things that come when you really want a family and you want your family to be complete,” she explained. “There are so many dreams that you have. It was hard to face the fact that that’s not going to happen at this point in the junction.”
The “Girl Meets World” alum said she isn’t sure if she wants to try to get pregnant again.


Anonymous said...

Everyone I know who lost a parent at a young age walks away with deep emotional scarring. At some point, it becomes selfish to bring a baby into the world so late. 1. Having a baby so late can really shorten a woman's lifespan. 2. There's a great chance that baby would barely be out of childhood, and having to navigate the changes of caring for a dying parent. Heck, I'm in my 40's and I only now feel comfortable enough to navigate my parents' health decline.3. A child born of elderly parents is far more likely to have significant health problems. If you are so desperate to "complete your family," get a dog and leave an innocent baby out of it.

Jcee said...

Smh my views change on this all the time I’ve summed it up to it’s their business I guess but having a baby so late in life man or woman is just crazy to me! I think women are trying to do this to prove to men that they still got it or that women can still have children and be desirable past 35 I feel a lot of this is ego driven. If you really cared about just having a child then why not adopt why not foster?

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry but that woman had no business being pregnant at 54!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She had a natural pregnancy. God made it her business. Most married women in their 50's don't bother using protection with their husbands.

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