Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tia Wishes She Were Still Close with Tamera

In her new reality TV show Tia Mowry opens up about her fractured relationship with her twin sister, Tamera Mowry, and how her divorce magnifies the void...

In a confessional Tia admits, 
"Being alone has been the most challenging part of my divorce. It's times like this when I feel and wish my sister and I were still close and I could you know, pick up the phone and call her, but that's just not where we are right now...."


Anonymous said...

Did she say what happened between them? Can't see it right now,

No Chiraq said...

You are the common denominator

Anonymous said...

If you WISH you could pick up the phone & call her, then pick up the phone and call your sister. Live is too short and even if you have family drama going on, you make the call and say "Sis I need you." People's egos keep them from doing the simplest of things.

Anonymous said...

If anyone has watched the twins earlier reality show, you would know that Tia was really nasty to her sister. She would make these unrealistic demands and speak to Tamara in a very condescending tone. I wouldn't want to have anything to do with her either because she's manipulative.

Anonymous said...

She always struck me as the one that needed all of the spotlight and all of the attention. That can be draining. Maybe Tamera needed her space to be her own person without someone trying to tell her who she NEEDED to be.

Anonymous said...

She frazzled.

Anonymous said...

The person who is wrong is always the person that wants to “get back” together.

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