Thursday, September 12, 2024

T.I. and Tiny Demand Ex Bestie Pay Up

Last year T.I. and Tiny's former friend, Sabrina Peterson, was ordered to pay the couple $96,000.00 in legal fees after most of the claims in her defamation of character lawsuit against them were thrown out [click here if you missed that].

Now T.I. and Tiny want Sabrina to pay up and the remaining claims in her case tossed out...

From In Touch 
Rapper T.I. and his wife, Tiny, accused their former friend Sabrina Peterson of refusing to pay up on a five-figure court-ordered sum, In Touch can exclusively report.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, T.I., 43, and Tiny’s powerhouse lawyer, Andrew Brettler, told the court, “For nearly a year, [Sabrina] has evaded statutory sanctions with consequence. She has willfully violated a court order. And, while wasting judicial resources, she forced [T.I. and Tiny] to incur significant legal fees defending a litany of claims, most have which have already been thrown out.”
He continued, “In the three-and-a-half years since filing her frivolous lawsuit, [Sabrina] and her counsel have failed to do anything in the case.”
The couple’s lawyer noted that T.I. and Tiny, 49, were awarded $96,702 in legal fees in October 2023, after convincing the court to dismiss most of Sabrina’s claims. Sabrina was ordered to pay the amount within 90 days.
In their new motion, T.I. and Tiny claim Sabrina had until January 15 to pay the $96,000 but failed to do so. The couple said she has still not paid. “In fact, in response to the order, [Sabrina] took to Instagram to publicly refute her obligation to pay,” the motion read. T.I. and Tiny said Sabrina cannot legally move her case forward until she coughs up the $96,000.
The couple’s lawyer added, “[Sabrina] and her attorneys took advantage of the legal system by filing a ‘kitchen sink’ complaint, hoping that the nature of their allegations would attract enough media attention, which would then, in turn, put pressure on [T.I. and Tiny] to settle. [Sabrina] and her lawyers never had any intention of diligently prosecuting this case.”
The lawyer continued, “To add insult to injury, [Sabrina] publicly flouts this Court’s rulings on social media. Peterson should not be permitted to pursue her remaining claims without facing accountability for her violations of California law.”
T.I. and Tiny asked that the entire suit be tossed due to Sabrina failing to pay the $96,000 or take any action in the case.
The case is ongoing.


Anonymous said...

She aint got it.

Anonymous said...

Who told the truth?

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