Monday, September 02, 2024

T-Boz Calls Out Ruth's Chris Steak House

T-Boz was refused service at Ruth's Chris Steak House, for wearing a hat, while other patrons with hats were served...


R in NYC said...

Dear TBoz,
It's time for a new weave.

Anonymous said...

F Ruth Chris and them overpriced steaks.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the other patrons with hats on were BOSSES and not a singer from the 90’s.

I said that out of respect for t biz.

Anonymous said...

Don’t go back

At least not with a hat.

Anonymous said...

wa wa wa snitch she a baby.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yea. Selective dress code. Haven’t you heard of it?

Anonymous said...

Ruth Chris don’t care. Thanks for the advertisement.

Anonymous said...

I believe her, probably thought they wasn't gonna tip right, just don't go back.

Anonymous said...

It's an overpriced Outback Steakhouse. I'd be embarrassed to eat there if I was a celeb.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Chris “don’t want no scrubs” in they establishment

Anonymous said...

If you want steak go to a butcher or meat house and cook it yo self Mmm Mmm GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Overpriced for sure. But what isn’t. A haircut cost $60, and the ninja want a tip.

EJ said...

T Box is still beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You can tell she does her own hair, and she should STOP! This is the same look since the 90's.

Anonymous said...

Some Black folks will never learn.

Anonymous said...

She has on a hat and a wig, which is code for criminal in disguise. They didn't know her like that and probably wanted to be safe. You can't go into the bank dressed that way and they didn't want to take any chances of getting robbed. Ain't nobody boycotting that restaurant because you're wearing some foolishness. Go take off that wig & hat and comb your hair.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, y’all got it bad! 😂. That’s ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I heard they were overpriced and the steak isn’t worth the price. T-Boz, just don’t go back. Another Steakhouse would love to service you! With your cap on!!

Anonymous said...

She didn't have to do all that, just don't go back.

Anonymous said...

@12:42 you so wrong for that lol. She does not look lika criminal, and I'm glad she put em on blast if they had other ppl in there with hats on. Sidenote - do they make hat/wig combos?

Jcee said...

She said it was two black guys in there with a tank top and a hat on so clearly this is racial and somebody who works there didn’t know the policy and allowed the two black men to slip through so the manager was saying they’re paying they’re leaving now they weren’t even supposed to be allowed to sit over there if you had no problem with sitting at the bar then just get up and sit at the baranytime you go to restaurants that want to be perceived as upscale they have dress codes. Their dress codes are written all over their websites. A lot of them require you to make reservations and if they don’t, they everybody knows these peoples dress code so all you had to do was say I want to sit at the bar. I’m feeling like these celebrities just be getting mad when they’re not recognized or when they are recognized that they’re not getting special treatment because you literally could’ve just went and sat at the bar and we wouldn’t have this video

LOLOL said...

Is this restaurant a chain on the west coast? I never heard of it.
I like my steak raw. WINK WINK...lolol

Anonymous said...

I guess that hat look better than that weave.

Anonymous said...

This restaurant is nationwide

Anonymous said...

Take yo damn hat off eat and leave. And don’t forget the tip.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of MAGA infiltration in here. They are obsessed with us. We all know red Maggot hats are welcomed in Ruth Chris. If we stop spending our Black dollars with restaurants that treat Black customers poorly, they will have no choice but to provide us with the same standard as everyone else.

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