Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sources Contradict Wendy Williams Health Claims

Last month former talk show host Wendy Williams was spotted in public for the first time in two years at a health food store in New Jersey [click here if you missed that].

Though reports claim Wendy was sharp and alert [click here if you missed that], sources close to Wendy say otherwise...


R in NYC said...
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R in NYC said...

The Cliff notes: Tasha says they had to hold Wendy up for the photo cuz she was so weak. Wendy thought Dr. Sebi's son was Big Kev. (šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®)

EJ said...

Thanks 6:15!!!!

Anonymous said...

God bless Wendy

Anonymous said...

I told y'all that was a clone. It's glitching out. The original Wendy has been dead for years.

Anonymous said...

Don't believe anything Tasha says. She's a liar who thinks she can take Wendy's place but she can't. Never trust a liar and especially one who lies for dollars.

Anonymous said...

This is how you know who is feeding Tasha these lies, she called the mistress a Hunter but she and Kevin are not married. How do you think Tasha knew where the mistress lived and all of the cheating business? The mistress fed her all the info.

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