Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Roland Martin Checks Tyrese Over Crime Bill

Roland Martin fact checks Tyrese after he calls out the Biden Administration over an alleged Asian hate crime bill...


Vernell said...

Cryrese Like To Talk Just To Hear Himself. His 15 minute Has BEEN Up, He Just Won't Go Away....

Anonymous said...

Cryrese didn’t even come up with that himself. He pulled that babble straight from the comments on anti Harris/Walz Twitter. I don’t expect anything sensible from him but I thought Crump was smarter than that. Imagine getting fooled by the internets biggest fool. SMDH🤦🏾‍♀️ Election Day can’t get here soon enough!

Anonymous said...

I like Crump but days like this he gets on my last nerve.

I'm glad Roland came out and told Tyrese he was wrong and pointed out the hate crimes that were created for or by Black people.

Tyreses stays wrong. Where is Will Smith when you need him.

Anonymous said...

Does Tyrese wear dentures? He sounds off.

LOLOL said...

Thank you, RM, for reading this @$$ h0. When I see a movie on Paramount + with him in it, I keep it moving to the next movie. It's gotten so bad that I don't even want to him sing.

Anonymous said...

3 crime bills and they yet to become law? Asians has a crime bill, illegals has an invisible crime bill. Apparently no one can do anything to get locked up or deported. Driving without a license in some states.

Anonymous said...

Harris/Trump do not care about "the Blacks".

LOLOL said...

We don't care about ourselves. The hood Blacks kill each other over territory they don't own instead of getting an education. How many on here are teaching their kids how to get ahead in this country? They can't because they are stuck too in generational poverty. Stop with the drug pushing and get an education.

Anonymous said...

People shouldn't put so much into what celebrities do and say. His political perspective is no more valuable than mine or yours.

Anonymous said...

That's why his name shoulda been Tywrong.

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