Thursday, September 12, 2024

Reggie Bush Scares Off Home Invaders

Retired NFL player Reggie Bush is home while burglars try to break into his house...

From TMZ
Reggie Bush's L.A.-area mansion was nearly invaded Tuesday night ... but TMZ Sports has learned the former Heisman Trophy winner's quick actions helped stop the crime before it really began.
It all went down at around 11 PM in Encino ... when our sources say at least one person smashed out one of the windows at Bush's multi-million-dollar home.
We're told the ex-USC Trojans running back was at the pad when the attempted break-in happened ... and when he immediately yelled -- the suspect(s) fled the area.
Police showed up a short time later and discovered broken glass near the rear entry of the house. Thankfully, no one was injured.
A police investigation into the incident is ongoing. Bush, meanwhile, has not yet responded to our request for comment.


LOLOL said...

He's a very handsome man but his thirst for Yt fle sh is a turn off for me.

Anonymous said...

More alarms and cameras needed everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Reggie is the cutest out of all of Kim Kardashian's exes. But, would you not date a dude just because he had been with a white girl? You're potentially eliminating a lot of good dudes that way.

The King Of The Real said...

What kind of alarm security do these guys have

Anonymous said...

What Black women has he dated?

Anonymous said...

Reggie Bush is married to a Great Value, low budget Kim Kardashian look-alike. That man wants no parts of Black women.

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