Friday, September 13, 2024

Raz B Expecting His First Child

B2K member Raz B announces he has gotten married and is expecting his first child...


Anonymous said...

He's the last person who should be having a baby and he needs serious help before deciding to become a father.

Anonymous said...

^^^Do not judge him. As long as he gave his life over to the Lord, willing to repent and obey the commandments, married the mother of his unborn child and continues to pray and serve God through Jesus Christ, he and his family will be blessed. Raz B was one of the first whistle blowers who forfeited his career, mental health and physical safety to expose this demonic industry. Nothing but prayers and well wishes for this young man. Congratulations to him!!

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Raz B! They tried to humiliate you, attack your manhood, paint you as a liar, physically harm you, threaten you but you are a proven testament that no weapon formed against you shall prosper in Jesus mighty name! Hallelujah! May the Lord continue to protect and
watch over you--you will be the best Husband and Father! Congrats Brother in Christ!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, someone finally got him pregnant.

LOLOL said...

I hope the woman that is carrying his child really loves him and wants the best for him. If the mother of his child is looking for coins, it will be devastating for him mentally.

Anonymous said...

To: 2:56 PM

Don't tell me what to do because I can do and say whatever I want. As I said before, Raz has mental health issues and he needs a good psychiatrist, as well as Jesus. He needs real help and not people like you who only pacify him and ignore his problems. As long as he's been accusing people of S.A., he's also been calling on the name of the Lord. Clearly, he's not getting the help he needs but bringing a child into this world before you begin the process of healing yourself is troublesome.

Anonymous said...

Technically, he’s a father already. Go to the thugs in your neighborhood and tell them face to face they shouldn’t be fathers.

Anonymous said...

Please let it be a girl!

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