Tuesday, September 10, 2024

NBA Youngboy Sentenced in Gun Case

Last month Baton Rouge rapper NBA Youngboy pleaded guilty to felony gun possession charges after his Louisiana weapons case was transferred to Utah [click here if you missed that].

NBA has learned his fate...

According to multiple reports NBA Youngboy will serve 27 months in prison and 5 years probation.

NBA received time served for his Utah drug case, plus a $25,000 fine.


Anonymous said...

Nothing better to do?

R in NYC said...

Just another degenerate, slow, dumb acting rapper. Next!

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to be Black in Utah.

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to get out more because there's a ton of black people living in Utah. They're living & thriving because it's a beautiful state to live in and with a lot of opportunities.

Anonymous said...

What about him impersonating a Dr?

Anonymous said...

@1:48 Only if you're a Mormon.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he has meth mouth.

Jcee said...

This is crazy!!! He only got 2 years which means he will be out in a year and no time for the forging of prescriptions and impersonating a doctor? Let these bandits tell the system is out to get them but all I see is they getting hardly any time for their crimes!!

Sunno said...

Lock all these gang bang'n rappers up and throw away the key. They are stains and strains on society.

Anonymous said...

He's going back to see his boyfriends. He missed being back at home. Remember the prison video of him offering up his booty by throwing a towel in the air in the showers?

Anonymous said...

Degenerate with children. SMH!

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