Sunday, September 15, 2024

Naomi Campbell and Law Roach Shade Rihanna?

Last week Rihanna pointedly ignored Naomi Campbell and celebrity stylist Law Roach at Alaïa's New York Fashion Week showing [click here if you missed that].

Now it looks like Law and Naomi have responded...


Anonymous said...

The fashion world is shallow and overrated.

Anonymous said...

Petty! Law would drop everyone to work with Rhianna without a doubt. Leave ladies beef to them, you are an employee sir.

Anonymous said...

Guess Naomi is mad because her stylist had her looking like Edna from the Incredibles, and El Roach over there wishing he had tatas.

Anonymous said...

Rih gorgeous no matter what. Tatas and all. Im sure ppl want her wearing their clothes....

Shafrika Lights said...

Naomi wore this outfit in the 9o's and walked in it, minus that tacky shawl. The outfit looks sloppy on Rih.

Anonymous said...

I really didn’t get the issue. Still don’t. I can see why Rihanna ignored them. I’d be over the fakeness too. Law Roach and Naomi have this air of superiority and why???
Do all of those white people intimidate you so that you have to act like that?
I’m sorry, but you bleed like the rest of us.
I’m not sure who’s worse, broke people who prey on others downfall because they are broke or celebs who snoot their noses up at the dumbest shyt! Either way, I don’t like neither.

Anonymous said...

Would they have made the same post if she didn’t ignore them? That’s how you know they butt hurt. Grown yet childish. 😒

Anonymous said...

Naomi sounds like she has a glob of sh%! in her mouth.

The King Of The Real said...

Who cares

LOLOL said...

It's a keekee regardless of the shade.
No big deal.

Anonymous said...

All that hair is exhausting to even look at.

Anonymous said...

Petty petty petty

Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Tito Jackson since Snitch not posting it. Died of a heart attack driving from New Mexico. 😪I got you Snitch, you off for the night...enjoy the Emmys.

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