Friday, September 13, 2024

Lil Wayne Breaks His Silence on Super Bowl Snub

This week Kendrick Lamar was announced as the musical guest for the Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show in New Orleans, setting off a firestorm of fans demanding justice for New Orleans native, Lil Wayne [click here if you missed that].

Lil Wayne breaks his silence on the snub and thanks his fans for their support...


Anonymous said...

This is one of the biggest rappers in the game and here he is cryin' on social media because Jay Z and the bowl didn't recognize him. Nicca please.

R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

Awww poor trump supporting addict.

Anonymous said...

I SWEAR it would not be all this fake outrage if Taylor Swift was picked. I'm so tired.

Anonymous said...

Aww. How he feel is how a lot of ppl feel. They're entitled to that opinion.

LOLOL said...

Just because the SB comes to your city does not mean you get to headline the show. LW and Birdman is just not appropriate for this venue.

Anonymous said...

Is it really all that serious? The way he’s acting you would think he’s just been diagnosed with terminal cancer😳😳😳

Anonymous said...

Chris Brown is the best choice for the Super Bowl.

Anonymous said...

It’s about respect and the acknowledgment. I can see where he and the fans are coming from. I’m not sure why people would be in his pockets to even come up with does he have enough money to perform a Super Bowl. Uuuhh, what???
This was intentional. So, we’re going to pretend Kendrick has back to back hits. Ok! No, he doesn’t. He’s using this dummy for personal reasons that has nothing to do with music.

Anonymous said...

Perform at rehab for a year straight. Eat food. Sleep. Drink water. Go for a run.

Anonymous said...

Time has revealed “Not Like Us” as a sonic Swiss Army knife. It’s been co-opted by imperialist politicians, sports teams, and rap fans of all ethnicities. Its beauty is that everyone feels like it’s about them when it’s playing. But when the song goes off it’s worth wondering how much it even applies to its creator. “Not Like Us” wasn’t made as a tao for Lamar’s real-life worldview; it was crafted to make Drake look bad. It succeeded in its function, but it’s worth wondering how much Lamar’s set himself up to look like a hypocrite over time.

Let him play himself. By all means! Play yourself into the ground with every other blind/deaf hypocrite. This will definitely linger like a skunk’s scent! lol!

Anonymous said...

No matter what people say about Lil Wayne, he's had tremendous influence on rap and hip hop culture. He's such a wordsmith lyrically and Kendrick is not touching him in that regard. Having said that, I don't think he has that many songs that he could perform known to the general public at this level.

Kendrick is talented, but the Superbowl performance is reserved for legends--artists that have mass appeal and several hits. For Kendrick to be selected is quite premature, because what will his playlist be? Only Not Like Us and Bitch Don't Kill my Vibe? I agree with 12:43--Not Like Us was used to diss Drake, but he also is comfortable with white people singing this song. I think this whole thing is a set up as his performance is going to be low rated if he performs the whole set alone.

The only game changer is that I suspect that Jay-Z chose Kendrick because he is also featured on Beyonce's Freedom song. Especially if Kamala wins, this could be a big deal if Beyonce performs that song since it's been used in Kamala's campaign. He is also featured on Taylor Swift's song and if she performs that would increase viewership.

But in general, Jay-Z is a snake, and just wants to monopolize hip hop like he owns it--and being a gatekeeper for big opportunities like this to block artists he doesn't like regardless of talent due to his bias. It will catch up to him though.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone outside of Black America know of Wayne's status? He's not another Snoop and LLCoolJ or even Flava Flav who've made an effort to gain worldwide appeal. This is the Super Bowl for all America, not the Essence Festival. Kendrick's early issuing got mass media coverage. He has a Pulitzer. He's been all over the media lately and white people know his name. Plus Wayne looks diseased and his nasty lyrics can't be edited for broadcast.

Anonymous said...

he has not had a top 10 hit in year he needs to shut ittttttt america ddont like no rappers no mooooo

Anonymous said...

maybe they didn't want to see his drawers and the sagging. shrugs

Anonymous said...

I wish they would’ve chosen Taylor Swift. I bet all these bitter bops would be mute af.

Anonymous said...

Lil Wayne is a lyricist I’ll give him that, but when have Jay Z (since he’s being blamed) ever downed his people to uplift white folks? Lil Wayne said racism doesn’t exist- and he didn’t understand BLM although he experienced stop and frisk with NYPD, and swore to never return to the city after those charges.

Jay Z donated to the cause and I remember him supporting Trayvon Martin Family and George Floyd’s.

Lil Wayne accepted a Trump pardon and supports Trump.

He does not like the complexion of his, or his daughter’s skin but black folks up in arms about him not performing at the Super Bowl.

I hate this moment is being taken away from Kendrick because of people’s disdain for Jay Z, when really Lil Wayne is a c00n like Kanye. But carry on.

Anonymous said...

Let's not have amnesia about Jay Z selling out Black people. Remember that with Trayvon Martin both he and Beyonce were silent for weeks when people were out protesting and asking what they were doing to raise awareness. Even Harry Belafonte called them out for their lack of support for social justice. Then Jay Z had the nerve to say in response that he doesn't have to do anything because "his presence is his charity" which caused much deserved backlash at the time. Also not defending obvious cases of racial profiling of Black customers shopping at Barney's after it was found that they weren't stealing. There are many examples of selling out his own people for a dollar. Do your research before making such a claim.

Anonymous said...

So, Wayne exercising his right isn’t the issue. The issue is he isn’t backing up your political beliefs. He doesn’t side with your struggles. Sounds like crabs in a barrel logic to me.

Anonymous said...

^^^I beg your finest pardon? I didn’t know the Carters were the spokesmen for social injustices on black Americans…smh. Then have the nerve to bring up Mr. Daylight’s coming and me wanna go home to a white woman? I can’t.

Anonymous said...

10:24 that was for 8:55.

Anonymous said...

There would be no such thing as a Guinness World Record for “Most US Hot 100 hits by a rapper.

As of April 2016, Weezy has placed 129 different songs on the Billboard Hot 100 since the chart debuted in August 1958. His chart reign began with 1999’s “Back that Thang Up” through the 129th entry that is “Gotta Lotta”, a collaboration with 2 Chainz. According to Guinness, Weezy has appeared on the Hot 100 as a lead artist 46 times, with 83 appearances as a featured artist. He holds the title for Most US Hot 100 hits by a rapper.
It’s 2024 and no one has defeated that record.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are confused, just like Wayne. Mr. Lil don't mean nothing to white America, and that's the primary audience for this occasion. Wayne is a celebrity in Black America. Nowhere else. Nothing more to say.

Anonymous said...

10:20 it’s more than my political beliefs. Wayne can hardly remember his lyrics these days, and his people blaming Jay Z for him not being asked to perform is ridiculous. This is not the first Super Bowl in his city. Where was his disappointment back then? Smh.

Anonymous said...

Yt people aren’t gonna be watching Wayne or Kendrick. Hip hop break time

Anonymous said...

Yt people love Kendrick. That's why they gave him the Pulitzer.

Anonymous said...


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