Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Levi's Jeans Teases Beyoncé Partnership

Back in March when Beyoncé dropped the Cowboy Carter Album there was a track featuring Post Malone, called "LEVII'S JEANS [click here if you missed that]."

This week the Levi's Jeans company teased a new partnership with Beyoncé...


Anonymous said...

Please don't cheapen the quality of the product to match her brand.

Anonymous said...

They are a disgusting couple. Pushing hard alcohol, gambling and devil music. At least lebron built a school. Oprah built a school. All they do is bleed their fans dry with over priced entertainment and cheap products. They are too gutter even for the illuminati.

Anonymous said...

Shake Your Derriere in them Classic Deréons.

LOLOL said...

It's just her name. She is not making the jeans.
If you want to talk about Cheap, nothing is Cheaper than Riri's Crayola brand make-up and 99 cent underwear that falls apart after one wash.

Anonymous said...

Jay and Bay are the epitome of what is wrong with the black community. A former drug dealer turned devil music rapper and a BW that wishes she were white. Peddling gambling and liquor.

Anonymous said...

What is going on in 2024 with famous people and their money? Beyonce and her cricket should have more than enough income by now to build and grow 10 different companies on their own.
But all you see and hear about are A list celebs 'partnering' with corporations. In other words, they are no more than high end models.

Anonymous said...

Bee needs to worry about her boss cause NYC just file a lawsuit again Jayz....
The filing indicates that New York City expects the auction's final bid could be as much as ten times what it would be if the copyright was thought to last nearly until the next century, as opposed to just seven years.

According to the city's filing, the statements about the Reasonable Doubt copyright could harm its interests in getting the highest bid possible.

A successful auction would benefit the Department of Social Services' goals, as Dash owes $193,000 in child support, according to TMZ.

He is also reportedly on the hook for several million dollars in unpaid taxes that are owed to the city.

The auction, which was originally scheduled for August 29 of this year, was to begin with opening bids at $1.2 million, and a $240,000 deposit was required of all bidders.

Roc-A-Fella Records went on to dispute the city's filing on Monday in a letter obtained by DailyMail.com.

Jay-Z's attorney, Alex Spiro, began by claiming there was 'no merit to NYC’s accusations and requests.'

Anonymous said...

Jane toussaint is selling jeans oh boy

Anonymous said...

Jay and Bay going to JAIL!!!!!

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