Saturday, September 07, 2024

Lee Daniels Calls Empire a Horrible Experience

Director Lee Daniels says working on the TV show, 'Empire,' on Fox was one of his worst work experiences...
Lee Daniels‘ background in independent film – Monster’s Ball, Precious – once had him wondering what it would be like to work for a studio, a curiosity that was finally satisfied when he made Empire for Fox.
Or maybe satisfied is the wrong word.
“Horrible. Absolutely the worst experience. Horrible!” the director-producer says in a new interview with The Film Stage. “But guess what? F*cking that money, money, money! I was able to put my kids through college and shit. So that in itself was worth it.”
Daniels, whose new Netflix horror movie The Deliverance stars Andra Day, Glenn Close, Aunjanue Ellis and Mo’Nique, said in the interview, “I don’t like staying in the same lane just as a creative. When I got into television, I really just wanted to be able to answer to suits. I wanted to know what that experience was like.”
“I only did Empire just so I could see what that experience was like,” he said.


R in NYC said...

I totally get where he's coming from. Now he knows it wasn't his cup of tea. Better to know and move on than stress and wonder. Empire was great until they messed it up with all the ghey ish and it became too over the top for its core audience.

Anonymous said...

It was a horrible experience because of the way he went out. Lee, Taraji, and Terrance supported Jussie's shenanigangs and Empire was over. Guess Lee is hoping people will forget. Those "suits" won't forget.

Anonymous said...

Empire was over long before Jussie did his mess. Show wasn't making any sense.

Anonymous said...

Jussie destroyed the legacy of Empire with that bold face lie/setup. Terrance and Taraji made it worse defending him like he was their real son! Ridiculous! The man concocted a story because he wasn’t getting the same salary as them and they just overlooked it like idiots.
Who exactly was Jussie Smollet before Empire was created? A nobody. This ninja’s head got big off of this tv series and destroyed any potential future projects that could have catapulted his career but noooooo! He didn’t want to work for it. He expected Lee Daniels to pay him what the likes of Denzel, Samuel and others were getting.
What makes this whole situation exhausting is he is standing ten toes on the lie!
Still, no Chicagoan has ever done anything to harm another person using Trump as their savior! He underestimated the mentality of Chicago residents.

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