Thursday, September 19, 2024

Kwame Kilpatrick Records Radio Spot for Trump

Former Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, records a radio spot endorsing Donald Trump for president...


R in NYC said...

A crook endorsing another crook. Next!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Trump pardon Kwame?

Anonymous said...

his credibility is in the negatives, this 'endorsement' is a nonfactor.

Anonymous said...

Obama wouldn't pardon him. Trump did.

Anonymous said...

He paid Trump for a pardon to gain his freedom and now he's running around like a runaway slave sucking up. He's the last person I would want an endorsement from. Kwame is just like Sean Combs, except he didn't get charged for the stripper's death. Somebody should tell him there's no statute of limitations for that crime.

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes:
Dance with who brought you.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense since it was probably the quid pro quo transaction that Dump always uses

A Day To Remember said...


Anonymous said...

Would you not kiss azz too
If a person got you freed and record clean?
People are so hypocritical
Even if it's just for fake show
I would to pretend to support Trump too
I'm sure Biden and Kamala
Would not have set him "free"

Anonymous said...

Criminals of the same feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

What are Kamala's policies?

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