Friday, September 27, 2024

Kwame Kilpatrick Defends Eric Adams

Yesterday New York City Mayor Eric Adams on corruption charges [click here if you missed that].

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who faced his own corruption trial, accuses the Democratic Party of  going after another Black mayor...


Anonymous said...

It takes one to know one.

Anonymous said...

Men Are LOVERS Of Themselves 🙌🏿

Anonymous said...

Kwame is such a narcissist. He knows dam well that his support will only hurt Adams, but he's so intent on being seen that he'll bring another brotha down just to be heard.

Just sit down Kwame cuz ain't nobody here for you other than Trump and he ain't anxious to have you near him.

Jcee said...

This fool knows dang well he was guilty so speaking up for Adams is of no help! @7:13 like you said he just want to be seen!

Anonymous said...

Time will tell if Adams is guilty but dirty birds of a feather do flock together. Kilpatrick is a scumbag who, but for another scumbag, should still be in jail.

Anonymous said...

Adams is guilty. He was slimy back in the day when he headed the Black cops union.

Anonymous said...

Trump is so desperate for Black votes he should have Kwame at his rallies.

Yeah, Kwame. Go campaign for Trump and be sure to wear your MAGAt hat. Red is your color.

Anonymous said...

I'm still disappointed in Kwame and it's been 20 years. He could have been somebody!

Anonymous said...

Been there done that

mil262 said...

As if anybody pays any attention to this big collard green eating lying MOFO

Anonymous said...

His comment makes no sense. Why would the Democratic party intentionally do this during esp. during an election year? The charges Adams is facing are damning, and the feds prosecute both Democrat and Republican officials.

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