Monday, September 02, 2024

King Harris Expecting His First Child

T.I. reveals his son King, 20, is expecting his first child...

T.I. tells Hot 107.9 in Atlanta, 
"[My son] Domani got his first house...and he just became a father, so I got two grandchildren now. I got two granddaughters and I got a grandson on the way. King's about to have a son..."


R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

He didn't need to pass that face on. Should have stayed in the toilet where it came from.

R in NYC said...

Let's pray the baby don't look like him.🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

I still can’t believe someone let him bone.

Anonymous said...

12:19 that part.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this will make him grow up

Anonymous said...

Congrats grandpa tip

Anonymous said...

2nd grandbaby

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He should name him Prince.

Anonymous said...

Or Princess. ^^^^^^

Anonymous said...

Who?!? Just tell me who.

Anonymous said...

Crazies making babies.

Anonymous said...

Good for him

Anonymous said...

Why would this make him grow up? Doesn’t seem to be working amongst other degenerates.

No Chiraq said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe his grandma will teach him how to raise a kid, since she raised him…but probably not, because he’s awful. And that face! And that veneer debacle 😂

Anonymous said...

Who got busy with this ghost?

LOLOL said...

The comments are priceless. LOLOLO
Y'all know the girl that let him go in was looking for 18yrs worth of monthly checks. Probably a stripper or online H0.
This young frog doesn't look like either parent. Where did he hatch from or was, he conceived while both parents were using drugs? The chromosome got all F..ked up that night of conception.

Anonymous said...

He’s a reality show just waiting to happen

Anonymous said...

Who the mama is? That’s what I’m waiting to see.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This gremlin looking ass n***a… who’s the dummy to get knocked up by this creature? 🤮

Anonymous said...

Proof you can be light skin and ugly

LOLOL said...

We will find out who the mama is when he doesn't make any child support payments. She will be on here talking smack about him being a dead-beat dad. Wait for it.......

Anonymous said...

@ 9:19 AM said, "Proof you can be light skin and ugly." You're still looking for proof that beauty comes in all shades? How old are you? Your comment should have been left in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

Do "unattractive" people know they're "unattractive?!"

Anonymous said...

I dont know why but the young man
Looks like a stud
Maybe bcus he is very spoiled

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