Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kevin Hart Wants Fraud Lawsuit Moved

Comedian Kevin Hart is currently being sued by his ex best friend, actor JT Jackson, after JT accused Kevin of falsely claiming JT was trying to extort him over cheating allegations [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Kevin wants the case moved out of the public eye...

From In Touch
Kevin Hart’s company pleaded with a judge to not allow the comedian’s former friend Jonathan T. Jackson’s lawsuit to be fought in public, In Touch has exclusively learned.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Hartbeat LLC, Kevin’s entertainment company, argued that Jonathan’s case needed to be moved out of Los Angeles Superior Court and into arbitration.
The move would mean Kevin, 45, and Jonathan’s back and forth in court would be heard by a private judge. All of the proceedings would be sealed and none of the filings in the case would be released to the public.
Hartbeat said Jonathan entered into an agreement with Kevin and his company in July 2021. Kevin’s company said the deal had a provision that stated all disputes would be heard in arbitration.
A lawyer for the company argued, “Each of [Jonathan’s] claims against Hartbeat (the first, second, third, and fifth) relate to whether [Kevin and his company] breached the contract, whether [Jonathan] was fraudulently induced to enter the contract (which Jackson maintains is valid and enforceable), whether [Hart and his company’s] breach of the contract inflicted emotional distress on [Jonathan], and whether [Jonathan] can even bring a defamation claim, which would have been released as part of [Jonathan’s] obligations under the contract.”
Jonathan has yet to respond.


Anonymous said...

He trynna keep them secrets locked away and I hope the judge denies his request. His friend aging fast. Yikes.

LOLOL said...

These men that couldn't get any puss until they got rich and famous have no retrain on their peen.

Vernell said...

Kevin made all of his accusations against Jonathan on a Public Media Source!!! Pay That Man & Sign A NDA, Kevin...

Anonymous said...

Kevin ruined that man's reputation with lies but now he wants to bend over backwards to protect himself by doing some legal maneuvering. Too late because now you're going to be exposed. What did Katt say? In 2024 All Lies Will Be Exposed.

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