Sunday, September 01, 2024

Katie Rost Apologizes to Monique Samuels

Last week former Real Housewives of Potomac cast member, Katie Rost, raised eyebrows after sharing a flirty post featuring RHOP ex-husband Chris Samuels [click here if you missed that].

Katie apologizes to Chris ex wife Monique...


Anonymous said...

Is there a common sense school for knowing what to post or is folks with half a brain suppose to know what to share on social media?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Katie apologized but this just proves that you should never trust any woman around your husband and especially if he has wealth and influence. Keep one eye open on all of them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh well. That's not Monique's husband anymore. She didn't want Chris. He's fair game.

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