Thursday, September 05, 2024

Judge Mathis Served with Divorce Papers

Last week Judge Mathis vowed to reconcile with his wife after she filed to end their 39 years marriage [click here if you missed that]. 

Judge Mathis may want to stay together, but Linda Mathis is moving forward with divorce...

According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Linda, 61, hired a process server to personally serve her husband with the divorce papers. The process server drove out to their $5 million home in Beverly Hills at 10:30 a.m. Linda said her husband was handed the paperwork.
Linda filed for divorce on August 22 and had Greg, 64, served the following day.
The exes have been married for 39 years. In her petition, Linda cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the split. She put the date of separation as July 17. The duo has four adult children, Amir, Jade, Greg Jr, and Camara, which makes the issues of custody and child support moot. Linda checked the box to request spousal support from Greg and asked that he be cut off from any support.


Jessie said...

She's sleeping with her personal trainer.

Anonymous said...

Who's he sleeping with???

Anonymous said...

She got her foot on his neck

Anonymous said...

Damn judge

R in NYC said...

Welp....when a woman's fed up ain't nothing you can do about it.

Anonymous said...

Looking at her you know she can talk some sh!t. And you know she got dirt from the 90’s on this old fool. He’s toast. Victory to the wife on this one. Plus I sense a lil cougar in her too. Only time will tell, cause she don’t look like she saying noting (Jamaican voice)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“irreconcilable differences”

Oh. She Classy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda asked that he be cut off from any support.

LOLOL said...

She means business. This woman is really tired of the judge. He has told her many times he was going to make time for her and didn't.

Anonymous said...

He admitted he's been gone for 3 weeks at a time and he didn't outright deny cheating on her and leaving her alone for many years. We know what irreconcilable differences really means. He promised her he'd slow down but it's looking like he's in them streets hard! 60 plus and still leaving 3 weeks at a time? He'll be remarried within 2 years after the divorce. She knows something. Probably had him followed the last 2 years. Hope she gets half and spousal support.

The King Of The Real said...

Between his mouth talking down women and him never there she was done

Anonymous said...

3 :33, I agree. He has always had a lot of contempt for women. Seems like he's pretending to be hurt about the divorce to gain sympathy from the public but he can't be too hurt because he had just got back after being gone 3 weeks and then left again. He just let her pull the trigger so he wouldn't look bad.What's out there that has his attention? When you see old men with young folks hair styles, clothes, and glass frames they are trying to be young.

Anonymous said...

Did he call her a crackhead?

Anonymous said...

I don’t understand…it was never okay to have her feeling abandoned. I dated someone he disappeared on me going out of state for a weekend…I couldn’t reach him. I’m confident understanding and not jealous Always would say if you go out have a good time just act like you are my boyfriend…he did the shit again….he was apart of this foreign political organization for His country better treatment for its’ citizens …let’s say he couldn’t eat or sleep and the at and t was only working for him. She should have taught him a lesson along time ago. She did not have to sleep with anyone either.

Anonymous said...

Detroit girls don’t play.

Anonymous said...

Men (and women but this is about them) usually get complacent and think their wife will continue to accept hurtful thins said and actions. I know after I put all my love into a man for years to tell me something he said to mutual coworkers/associates/friends that was a bold face lie on top of things he did that that were unforgivable, the love is dead. You want to move on and never look back.
Judge Mathis has a good heart as we can see from his episodes but who’s to say he didn’t use his wife to release his frustrations?

I see why Denzel always praises his wife, Pauletta. She’s had to endure a lot of things we aren’t aware of. David even gives his mom praises when interviewers try to make the conversation about his dad.

Mrs. Mathis said she outta here!

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