Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Jesse Williams Accuses Ex of Obstructing Visitation

Two years ago actor Jesse Williams and his ex wife, Aryn Drake Lee, were ordered to take parenting classes at the height of their child custody battle [click here if you missed that]. 

Looks like the classes are not working out...

From TMZ
The actor just filed new docs, obtained by TMZ, seeking a change in their child custody agreement ... and he's taking a few shots at his ex in the process.
Jesse is looking for a 50/50 split in their custody schedule and wants to see their kids more than the one or two overnight stays he gets with them during the school year ... but he says his ex, Aryn Drake-Lee, is not playing ball.
In the docs, Jesse claims he's trying to cooperatively co-parent their 10-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son with Aryn ... but he's accusing her of repeatedly interfering, obstructing and stealing his visitation and communication time with the kiddos.
Jesse says his ex blocks and interferes with his FaceTime calls with the children, and blocks the kids from attending activities he signs them up for.
What's more, Jesse claims Aryn strategically plans vacation schedules to eliminate his scheduled time with the kids.
The way Jesse sees it ... "Causing drama and trying to fracture our children's experiences with me is far more important to Aryn than their peace, health, and happiness." Shots fired!!!
Child custody disputes are nothing new for Jesse and Aryn ... and the judge has already ordered them to try to work things out in mediation.


Anonymous said...

Not these two again.

R in NYC said...

Lawd....really? These 2 can go kick rocks. Messing those kids up for life.

Anonymous said...

She gotta let that hurt go and do what’s best for her children.

Anonymous said...

Why you believing what he says? His location and schedule aren't consistent and he's probably mad because she won't twist herself and the kids around to accommodate her. If he wants regular visitation he should get a regular job on a sitcom or something.

Anonymous said...

^^^ "him"

Anonymous said...

Just frustrating for both and sad for the kids

Anonymous said...

Always love your children more than you hate one another. These two clearly didn't get the memo.

Anonymous said...

She needs to get some dique and move on with her life already.

Anonymous said...

Kids grow up really fast and then you'll look back over your life and realize you wasted valuable time arguing with an ex who you'll barely remember. Move on! Parents should move on and stop giving an F about what their ex is doing. Focus on what's best for the kids. One thing I've learned as a parent and now a grandparent, kids are not stupid. They see and remember everything. They'll grow up and tell you things about yourself and your former spouse. It's usually things that you didn't even know. Parents should stop creating problems and unnecessary anxieties when there are none. It's not about you.

Anonymous said...

Definitely make space for kids to be with their father. At least let them talk.on FaceTime freely..smh.

Jcee said...

If she really is doing this she better stop! One thing the courts frown down on is parental alienation that’s the quickest way to lose custody! She better go talk to Dwade and Luda baby mommas Dwade got custody cuz his ex wife was pulling these moves she said it was because she didn’t feel like the kids were safe or something with him and Lisa baby momma did the same thing now she can’t even post her own child on social media but him and his wife can. Ladies if you don’t feel the man is capable of having the kids alone then don’t have kids with them or notify the court period

Anonymous said...

She is never going to forgive him, and I don’t feel bad for him not one bit.

Anonymous said...

Y'all act like everything he say is true. It isn't.

Jcee said...

I don’t think he being truthful but we have to see but I’m saying that if by chance he is telling the truth she gotta stop it or that man will get full custody

Anonymous said...

Lot of male identified people on this thread. He blew up the home and left her with the kids to do who knows what with who knows who. She is in charge of stability as she has always been. He is a chaos creator. Why should the kids come to him when he left? He needs to do like Kanye did which was to buy a house right across the street.

Anonymous said...

A woman doesn’t own the kids or have more rights to them because he left. And a man leaving HER doesn’t mean he left THEIR kids. He has as the right to see and raise his children as much as she does, and I don’t GAF what problem she has with him. Kids need BOTH parents unless one of them is deemed mentally or physically unfit by a court.

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