Thursday, September 05, 2024

Jeannie Wants Jeezy Held in Contempt

Four months ago rapper Young Jeezy and TV personality Jeannie Mai settled their divorce [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Jeannie wants Jeezy held in contempt for failing to meet his obligations...

From TMZ
According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the talk show host says her rapper ex-husband is not following through with a bunch of things they agreed to when they finalized their split.
Jeannie says their divorce settlement calls for Jeezy to pay her for daycare costs and school tuition for their child, deposit at least $500,000 in an interest-bearing account for the kid, transfer the title for two cars, and cover four months of her rent.
Thing is ... Jeannie claims Jeezy failed to follow through on these things ... and she says he's ghosting her and hanging her out to dry.
In the docs, Jeannie claims Jeezy already owes her $4,000 for tuition and childcare costs ... and she says he hasn't given her access to the $500K account he was supposed to set up for their daughter.
As for the cars ... Jeannie says their divorce settlement called for her to walk away from the marriage with a 2021 Range Rover and a 2022 Ford Bronco ... but she says Jeezy has yet to transfer the titles over to her ... preventing her from being able to insure the vehicles and delaying her ability to have the Bronco shipped from Atlanta to Los Angeles.
Jeannie also claims the divorce settlement calls for Jeezy to cover her rent for May through August ... but she says he's yet to reimburse her and owes $92,417.39 for nearly 4 months of rent payments.
Jeannie says her lawyer's have tried to get Jeezy to follow the terms of their settlement by going through his team, but she says his side stopped responding in July ... and now she's asking the court for help enforcing the settlement.
She wants him held in contempt and is going after him for what she says he owes, plus interest.


Anonymous said...

Get em TIGER!!! Stay on his neck!!!

Anonymous said...

how unfortunate

R in NYC said...

Welp...she married a thug.

Anonymous said...

Going out sad

Anonymous said...

I may remember one of his songs from the 2000s so where his money come from? He still a Snowman?

Anonymous said...

Should have kept that dark meat on the side.

Anonymous said...

“dark pc of meat on the side “
2 birds

Anonymous said...

Over 23k a month in rent? I’m sorry that’s insane. What a waste of money. You can certainly purchase something in Los Angeles for cheaper than that a month. That money is in the wind for a flex she doesn’t even own. Is she really pulling down money like that, where she can burn cash on 20k+ rentals (over a quarter mil a year)?

A friend just bought a modest little something on the valley side of the Hollywood Hills and their mortgage couldn’t be over 15-18k.

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