Monday, September 23, 2024

Janet Jackson Did Not Authorize Harris Apology

Last night a person claiming to be Janet Jackson's manager issued an apology on her behalf after she was quoted in an interview claiming Kamala Harris is not Black [click here if you missed that].

Apparently the apology was unauthorized...

From Variety
After a confusing turn of events on Sunday, reps for Janet Jackson tell Variety that an unusually worded “apology” for the singer’s ill-informed comments about Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ racial background was made by a person who is not the singer’s manager, as he had claimed, and thus was not authorized to speak on her behalf.
The unauthorized “apology,” first reported by Buzzfeed and repeated by multiple major outlets, was made by a man named Mo Elmasri who — apparently inaccurately — claimed to be the singer’s manager. It reads: “Janet Jackson would like to clarify her recent comments. She recognizes that her statements regarding Vice President Kamala Harris’ racial identity were based on misinformation. Janet respects Harris’ dual heritage as both Black and Indian and apologizes for any confusion caused. She values the diversity Harris represents and understands the importance of celebrating that in today’s society. Janet remains committed to promoting unity and understanding.”
However, the singer has been managed by her brother Randy for many years. The siblings are said to be mourning their older brother Tito, who died last Sunday at the age of 70, and unavailable for comment.
Contacted by Variety, Elmasri claimed in an email, “I no longer work for her. I was fired by Janet and Randy, after attempts to improve her image in front of public opinion and her fans, and this is something I do not deserve.” He then offers “All my support” to Vice President Harris. Jackson’s reps did not immediately have a response, although sources close to her team tell Variety that Elmasri is not known to have been directly associated with the singer.


Shafrika Lights said...

Kamala Harris panders to the black vote and I find her disgusting. She stands for absolutely NOTHING. Her daddy claimed he was Caucasian Hindu Jamaican. He did not come into this country as a black Jamaican man. His grandfather was of Irish heritage and had a slave plantation in Jamaica. He may have black in him by default, but NEVER claimed it.

If you guys don't see whats happening in Chicago, Ohio, Colorado, New York and California with illegal immigrants receiving FREE money, home and business loans with no credit history or ssn and siezing apartments then you need to wake up! Thwy want this to be the norm in the USA. The immigrants are here to replace you!!

Anonymous said...

ANYONE attempting to insult or bully Janet will be met with great vengeance and furious anger!! FOH with the bullsht Thotty K defense. DL a ghey glazer for coming after Janet.

Anonymous said...

Why does white identified Janet Jackson care about the VP’s racial background? I bet if you compare current family pictures there is more melanin on the Harris side than the Jackson side. Do Jehovah Witnesses even vote? Her comment was embarrassingly dumb.

Anonymous said...

Hey bot: have you seen the picture of her daddy? White don't look like that.

Anonymous said...

That means Janet is telling you her OWN SON is not Black. 🀑See everyone don't want to be black until the yt's reject them. Then they run back to the black communities for our money πŸ’° πŸ’΅. Micheal transformed into a whole yt woman and almost all the Jackson's have had surgery to Europeanize themselves. Janet has no room to call anybody not black with a face full of fillers to and a whole mixed race child. She might not think he's black but the streets and the government does. πŸŽ―πŸ’―πŸ€‘

Anonymous said...

It seems Janet is just unsure about Kamala and the way she answered it was unsure. Why are people putting words in her mouth? She’s unsure. What’s the issue? Leave it alone. Think for yourself instead of using her as your thinking piece. Since when did a celebrity’s opinion about a politician become your opinion?

Anonymous said...

Jehovah Witnesses don’t even vote. Janet has fallen down the Qnon rabbit hole with her brother. Watch her likes on social media, it tells you who she really is now. That statement she made was untrue and ignorant. However, if she want to stand on BS, so be it. We standing on ours and saying we do not stand for misinformation Ms. Jackson so there is that

Anonymous said...

Leave Ms. Jackson alone.

Anonymous said...

Kamala's father side is white Irish decent and it has been proven his family owned slaves. Kamala is Indian and nothing is wrong with that but what is wrong is claiming to be black for benefits and convenience.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why ya'll want Kamala to be black so bad. She called herself Indian-American. She was raised by an Indian woman, in an Indian household with Indian culture. She's married and procreated with a YT man. These are indisputable facts. Accept it and move on.

Anonymous said... know there were slaves who couldn't fathom the thought of being free and untethered to massa. No different with these Thotty K stans attempting to defend the indefensible. The fraud broad ain't black. Period.

Anonymous said...

Her father is BLACKπŸ’―. If you see the pictures of him he is darker than most of you on here. See this is why the Africans truly don't like African Americans because we are quick to believe anything that Massa wanna tell us. That con artist felon orange Chetto put out she's not black to distract and some of you fell for it. 🀑The US government says if a parent is black you are BLACK. Mixed is an ILLUSION that has been used to divide since slavery πŸ’―πŸŽ― If being mixed makes you not black then 90 percent of us aren't black since so many Of our ancestors were r@ped and children produced which are our ancestors. Stop with the stupidity.πŸ’―πŸ€‘

Anonymous said...

People run with anything. R E S E A R C H!

Anonymous said...

Look, VP Harris is the only thing between this country and Trump. The only thing.

We went thru one presidency with this fool who thrives on chaos. I don't care who her daddy is, she's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

Register to vote and take somebody with you if you can.

Anonymous said...

Stop clowning Janet. Go clown Michael Eric Dyson. He's the one that deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Janet was like "I said what I said."

As much as I would to wait for acknowledgement that the state Brown Americans was in part a result of has been endured. I am willing to let go in order to get rid of these identity politics. Only for the sake of my children and their children. Identity politics is the reason we vote Democrats and don't expect for the hoods to change. Since the 80s the inner cities have not changed, the Democrats do the bare minimum and because of our past we have accept it as a fault of our own as few of our people get out of the ghetto.

The border crisis has allowed drugs to soar in these cities , the main customer is the one with nothing to lose. I am tired believing that the Change promised didn't happen because of my own race, when I see an entire population of people being propped up on a pedestal to thrive with cars, housing, and food.

As far as Kamala Emhoff goes, she is a caricature. It almost feel like she is laughing at black women and not with them. Heck Omarosa, Judge Hackett, and plenty of brown American women that would represent us better.

Do you really want her to associate with the brown race and then destroy America so that the history books can blame us. Nah

Anonymous said...

Team Janet- always and forever.
Black people should be ashamed for turning against Janet in favor of Kamala of all people.
DL Hughley who made a career out of degrading Black women, couldn't wait to chime in to take a shot at Janet. I wonder how much they paid him to do that.

Anonymous said...

Trump is smiling hard, his soul is well. 😊He has Black people turning against other black and brown people to vote for his lily Orange WHITE a$$. "the Blacks" with their black jobs fell for it again!!! Mission accomplished πŸ’―πŸ˜ˆπŸ€‘

Anonymous said...

I love Janet but this is embarrassing! Again, what does Kamala’s background have to do with her qualifications for the job?

And DL Hughley is embarrassing as well. He did not have to attack Janet’s features as a black woman smh. I’m proud to be black all day long but dayum! Have some decorum!

No one questioned Barack’s blackness and he was raised by a ww not his Kenyan (non ADOs) father. He grew up in racist Hawaii yet he was welcomed into the community with open arms because he was qualified and cultured.

Shyamala isn’t black but she immersed herself in black culture and made sure to raise her mixed daughters in an ethnically black environment. Kamala’s parents were activist both part of the Afro American association on campus and the civil rights movement. When Kamala’s parents divorced, her mom still chose to raise her daughters in a black community. Shyamala probably was the first non black woman invited to the cook out. Stop playing.

Anonymous said...

Funny how a bunch of nobodys can dictate who you are.

Anonymous said...

Kamala has a BLACK daddy, went to a BLACK HBIC college, is an BLACK female AKA sorority, but she's not Black enough to be President according to a WHITE convicted con- artist and a female musician who son is half non-black/middle eastern and she has NEVER been married to a Black man, Nah don't say the Debarges are black if she's saying mixed people like her son aren't black. Right.....These the people you want us to listen to because they don't want a Black female President, mixed or non mixed, as long as an old criminal white man is available. Got it!πŸ’―πŸ˜ˆ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@2:01 I feel you and thank you. Janet comes stomping in here about Kamala when we went in on the Knowles for attacking her. I never thought we would have to do this to Janet.

Anonymous said...

Janet is a functional illiterate. The only time she ever went to formal school was for a few hours a day when she was a cast member on tv shows. Otherwise, the family felt being a Jehovah's Witness was all the education anyone would ever need. I'm not surprised she's fallen for some Trumpthink about Kamala's race. The Jackson family has always sounded ignorant when it comes to politics.

Anonymous said...

Why does anyone care?

Anonymous said...

We care because when you don't. the past repeats itself. If no one cared about civil rights we would still be in chains. Janet has the profile to speak to the masses yet she uses it to tear a woman of color down instead of lift her up.

Anonymous said...

Back in chains? Civil Rights was about segregation boo boo, please fact check your scare tactics.
There are millions of immigrants in America in 2024, there is more than black and white, how do you supposed the past will repeat itself, especially with the internet? The globe erupted for George Floyd and Palestine.

Other than begin black, why don't you state facts about why people should choose her, what is doing for the blakc community? Free tickets to see Megan the Stallion

Anonymous said...

@6:41 You do know know that civil rights pre dates the Civil Rights era correct??? That violations against African American Civil liberties traced back all them back to slavery and it's injustices is what brought on the Civil Rights movement. Pick up a history book, oh, wait the GOP loves erasing history and you might not have gone to a quality school. 🎯

This isn't about voting for or against Kamala. This article is about why a woman who has a Black father isn't considered Black by a white convicted felon along with a music star who has a mixed race son that we now know she considers not Black either. πŸ€‘πŸ’―

Anonymous said...

Kamala grew up Black in North Oakland and West Berkeley. She attended an HBCU where she joined a Black sorority that she still participates in. If she wasn't Black, someone would have noticed by now.

LOLOL said...

Yeh okay, let the Yt/J$ws short her money and see how fast she holla's out for Rev Sharpton. Remember how MJ jumped on that underground railroad train when he felt like the Yt establishment turned on him. Who did he call? Hey Rev, How You Doing?
She needs a clue and pick up a Black History book. Jehovah can't give you the knowledge on how to be a Black Woman in a racist society.

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Anonymous said...

@9:01 pm Kamala ain’t “Black” she got a good tan that’s it

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