Monday, September 23, 2024

Janet Jackson Apologizes for Kamala Harris Comments

Over the weekend Janet Jackson was quoted in an interview claiming Kamala Harris is not Black and that her father is a white man [click here if you missed that]. 

Janet apologizes for spreading misinformation...

Amid the backlash, Janet responded through her manager, Mo Elmasri, who tells BuzzFeed that the comments were "based on misinformation."
"She deeply respects Vice President Kamala Harris and her accomplishments as a Black and Indian woman," the statement continued. "Janet apologizes for any confusion caused and acknowledges the importance of accurate representation in public discourse."
"We appreciate the opportunity to address this and will remain committed to promoting unity," the statement concluded.


R in NYC said...

Janet should stick to what she knows.

Anonymous said...

That is not her manager. Her manager is Randy Jackson. The apology was a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Janet you are too seasoned in the game to know better than to repeat "you heard". I guess your child including neices and nephews are not black too.

Anonymous said...

When did Janet become political?

Anonymous said...

Janet worrying about someone being black, when every child in their new generations are mixed, no one but the older sister has all black kids.

Anonymous said...

The 'apology' is unauthorized.

LOLOL said...

Janet, Janet, Janet....
Miss Jackson if you're nasty. Please have a seat. You sound like a simp. Don't speak until you know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Correction please…she has NOT apologized. I can only imagine the bubble she lives in. The Jacksons have lived outside of the blk community and culture for decades now, clearly. Not our kin.

Anonymous said...

Go away Janet, you don't vote so no one cares

Anonymous said...

Black folks done let Kamala slip through the cracks. Black folks done let Beyonce slip through the cracks.... they're biggest fear came true......take your man (jail)and take your money (hair care, whiskey) came true.. Talking about them being Indian or Creole to selling out is too late. 😂🤣

Anonymous said...

Black folks done let Kamala slip through the cracks. Black folks done let Beyonce slip through the cracks.... they're biggest fear came true......take your man (jail)and take your money (hair care, whiskey) came true.. Talking about them being a mixture of Indian or Creole to selling out with the black too late. 😂🤣

Anonymous said...

^^^^^Did you read the part where they said it was a hoax?

Shafrika Lights said...

Kamala Jarris dadsy NEVER claimed to be black. He claimed Caucasian Hindu. Therefore, the man is not black.

Anonymous said...

^^^Have you seen a picture of her daddy? Don't look white to me.

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