Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Jamie Foxx Announces One Man Show

Last year comedian Jamie Foxx had an undisclosed medical emergency and collapsed on set [click here if you missed that].

Over the weekend Jamie announced he will be speaking about the incident in a limited engagement..


Lynny said...

I dont know why. I don’t like him like I did when I was younger on Living color etc…. Something weird about him….even with the stroke ??? Or was it drugs?? Idk.. LL said he tried to fight him on set 20 years ago. Yeah idk about him.

Anonymous said...

He's really milking this illness shit. He must have got cloned.

Anonymous said...

He lost me after that sickness hoax or whatever it was. People don't normally bounce back so fast after a stroke or whatever that was.

Anonymous said...

There's no cloning going on.

888 said...
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Sunno said...

Where is the real Jamie, because the clone is missing the head tattoo and I don't even care what happened at this point and doubt others do.

mil262 said...

That is some info he can keep to himself. If he didn't have enough courage to address it after it happened why bother now.

R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

I'm over it and I'm over Jamie. Sick of him using that coma to generate attention and he'll use that incident to bait people into listening to him. Either tell what happened or stfu.

LOLOL said...

It's very simple. After his performance in Ray and well dissevered Oscar. He went Hollyweird on us.

LOLOL said...

I'm sick of this website dropping my comments.

Jamie changed after he won his well-deserved Oscar for Ray. He went Hollyweird on Black folks. Too much bad Yt influences.

Anonymous said...

And watch, Jamie ain't gon' say sh!t. He will use this as a tease for the rest of his career.

He would have said something by now if he really intended to be real. He needs to move on. Everybody else has.

Anonymous said...

Why does this site keep refreshing while people write comments. It’s annoying.

Anonymous said...

I dont know whats going on
But that doesnt look like Jamie

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