Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Jada Pinkett Goes Private After Cryptic Comment

Jada Pinkett-Smith goes private on social media after sharing a cryptic message about relationships...

From Eonline
Jada Pinkett Smith's latest move is raising some serious eyebrows.
The Girls Trip actress made her Instagram account private after posting a cryptic message to her feed Sept. 2.
"A man can CHOOSE to belong to someone," Jada's post read. "And if he does... he is considered noble. A woman is told she MUST belong to someone or ... she is not worthy."
The 52-year-old further expanded on the message in her caption, writing, "Even in some of our great religious traditions the goddess is rendered powerless without her male counterpart. And in others, the spiritual influence of the feminine, of Mother ... is not even recognized."
"We mere mortal women are worthy simply because we exist!" she continued. "And those of us who have cultivated our Queendom within our inner kingdom and have a deep relationship with the Great Supreme ... if we so CHOOSE to bond with someone from this space ... we will erect monumental love and give birth to treasures."


Lynny said...

Ok not too sure what any of this means…..
Someone said she speaks in euphemism and platitudes and they were 💯 % right!!

mil262 said...

No one is going to miss her.

LOLOL said...

Just get a divorce and move on. Stop trying to be deep and philosophical.

Anonymous said...

Girl, please. Just stop.

Anonymous said...

A broken clock is right twice a day. Look Jada, you did it.

Anonymous said...


R in NYC said...

Girl bye. Shut yo bald headed wanna be deep azz up!

Shafrika Lights said...

Yet, you don't divorce cos that man's money is long. A powerful woman would walk away and make her own wealth in abundance.

Anonymous said...

Jada has serious issues. If Juanita Jordan can walk away at the height of Michael's career then she can walk away, too. No need for the announcements or cryptic posts. Just do it so Will can move up and move on. She can, too, but I don't see a cute Jason Mamoa type in her future.

Anonymous said...

We entered life alone and we will leave the same way. This marriage took a mental toll on her big time.

Anonymous said...

@12:44pm-NO, this marriage took a mental toll on HIM! She openly disrespects him and always has. She even had the nerve, gall, and audacity to brainwash HIS children into believing they wished Tupac was their biological father. Those kids have never even met Tupac, so WHO TOLD THEM that a convicted felon is a better person than Will Smith, who gave them the privileged life they've always known?

Anonymous said...

^ I hear ya but if Willie was fully present in their lives would this lie have been possible? Not saying he wasn't but where the hell was he when she had time to brainwash these kids? Food for thought...

Anonymous said...

She's saying it is ok to be with another woman. Jason Lee said she is living with someone but would not name the person. He made it sound like she was living with a female.

Anonymous said...

Jada finna make her grand exit out the closet like her besties Dana and August.

Jcee said...

I don’t all the time agree with her but I get exactly what she is saying! If a woman even says she is single and happy! She is met with doubt and called bitter meanwhile men are called bachelors and praised. If a woman chooses to date multiple men and say that she doesn’t want marriage or a commitment she is called a ho if a man does it it’s just said he has t found what he wants and nothing is wrong with that! A woman has multiple kids ohhhh she a problem if a man does it he just sowing his seeds. She is speaking to the double standards and how women are unappreciated in society. While men are praised for the bare minimum! If all women chose not to give birth from this day forward the planet will seize to exist after some many years but yet we get treated badly even by other women.

Anonymous said...

Jcee said you are exactly right . That part

Anonymous said...

I started to read it but it was too long. LOL. From whatever body saying sound like her and Tupac needed a couple of days to themselves. And she will be back

Anonymous said...

the Amazons were Black women...who had a good plan lolol.

Anonymous said...

4:43 true. Like Tia Mowry. She divorced from that marriage and some folks still drag her over it as if they were a fly on the wall in their home. Jada does the most but we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors so I just wish her the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Too much cheek filler % Botox

Dee said...

Girl, Stfu. Bye

Anonymous said...

3,2,1 queue the carpet munching.

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