Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Ice Cube Slams Critics

Last election cycle West Coast rapper Ice Cube raised eyebrows after aligning with right wing politicians [click here if you missed that]. 

Ice slams critics after going viral for his political stance...


LOLOL said...

And so, he doesn't see he's the problem trying to get in bed with Dump while he was president. Roland Martin, here's another one you can read.

Jcee said...

We as black folks don’t even care to listen ! We take stuff and run with it. Ice cube said that he was trying to pitch a plan for black ppl to WHOEVER would listen ! This mean that Trump was will g to listen the question should be why were the other parties not willing to listen to his plan that he felt would help black ppl. He didn’t say he was voting for Trump he said he went to talk and to see what Trump could do for the black community!! We love to talk politics but know don’t how it even works! We prefer the ppl that’s gone tell us they washing greens in a tub and carrying hot sauce in their bags then when they get on office we complain about them not doing anything for black ppl but what have we asked for? What plan have we come up with? He said Trump was the only one willing to at least listen!

Anonymous said...

I hear you @12:49.

LOLOL said...

Dump is not going to do anything for you. Stop with the simple narrative. Cube is working with the wrong people to develop a plan for Black folks. Stick to music because your political experience is nonexistent.

Anonymous said...

I guess we got some prophets up in here y'all cannot predict the future ok.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Black people can be very fickle. I recall people clowning Steve Harvey for trying to talk to Trump. All Steve had to do was talk about Jesus. That quickly made them forgive and forget about what Steve did.

Anonymous said...

They'll cancel any and everybody over Trump, except for MAGA hat wearing Kanye who should have been canceled for numerous reasons a long time ago.

Shafrika Lights said...

@12:49 I agree! It's how business is done. And even if he did vote Trump it's his right. Cube comes from a well respected family in Los Angeles. He's made a career out of his art, pioneered a movement and put MANY people on. He's a family man himself and has several businesses and production companies. Dre may have gotten the money, but Cube has peace of mind and tries to uplift and educate. I don't see Dre doing anything for anyone except lining his pockets; and he deserves respect for that? No, a pat on the back sure.. I'd listen to what Cube has to say any day. He has my respect through earning it legitimately. And anyone saying the music he wrote with NWA was misogynistic and violent. Let's see if you would had made it out Compton in 1984 to 1996, GTFOH!

Anonymous said...

I refuse to believe Cube was "in bed" with a white supremacist. Not with these lyrics..."Straight up, straight down, no frills, no thrills
Miss six o'clock, subject to have the itch
Mutanoid, caucazoid, white cave bitch.",

Anonymous said...

Anybody with any sense knows Trump got no good nothing to give to Black people. Trump pretended to listen to Cube hoping to knock off some Black votes but all he's ever given us is grief. The man ain't ashamed to be a straight up racist.

Anonymous said...

Cube IS A Two Faced Gemini TOO

IT Ain't Hard To Believe #NOVASELINE

Anonymous said...

From his viewpoint, I can see why he votes Republican. Even in his higher tax bracket he can see the Dems ain’t doing shyt for those in need. Instead of tearing him down, allow the man to exercise his right. If he didn’t vote you all would still be talking shyt.
Personally, Trump almost had my vote until that immature meme he posted about Hilary and Kamala. Say it’s the truth, so what. My POTUS doesn’t represent me at all! I don’t get down like that.

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