Thursday, September 26, 2024

Heiress and T.I. Performing at the Falcons Game

Rapper T.I. and his 8-year-old daughter Heiress perform "Live Your Live," at the Atlanta Falcons vs Kansas City Chiefs game...


The King Of The Real said...

All Diddy Jr. trying to be family man again

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Heiress be on the Broadway "Lion King". She would be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

NO. Just stop it. Give the kid a break

Anonymous said...

They stay pimping this baby

Sweets said...

She wants to do that, she was singing when she was 3 and could barely talk. Yal so negative. And when has T.I not been a family man? Regardless of who or what these people do in they bedrooms has nothing to do with the raising they children. I sure some yal daddies and mommas aint no saints, probably crackheads and pedos but I bet you love em and wouldnt trade them for the world

Anonymous said...

You can tell T.I. and Tiny pour all their love into this baby. She's going to be a star.

Anonymous said...

Energy is energy. If you's a superfreak with bad ethics your kids will suffer in some way or form.

Anonymous said...

When has TI not been a family man? Have you seen that son???

Anonymous said...

I can't take nobody who defends any of these industry folks seriously. I mean really? People actually think it's ok to groom a child to be a star in THIS day and age? Tuh!

Anonymous said...

@11:46 - I don’t even have to watch the video to know you are right. Nepo North didn’t not deserve that chance.

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