Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Harris / Trump Presidential Debate

Last night Kamala Harris and Donald Trump faced off for their first presidential debate....

Who won the night? 


Anonymous said...

V.P Harris K!lled A Baby In His 78th Year 💅🏿

Get Used To Saying MADAM PRESIDENT 🙌🏿

Anonymous said...

It was over after he said immigrants were eating dogs and cats in Ohio. I know I wasn't the only person hollerin' when he said that.

Anonymous said...

I refused to watch that mess.

RIP F. Beverly

R in NYC said...

She slayed him. Demented Donnie looked hurt, confused, bitter, angry and dumb.

Anonymous said...

@8:43. RIP, indeed. I hadn't heard the news. Thank you.

LOLOL said...

After 26 minutes I had to turn to something else.

Anonymous said...

If I wanted to see a clown show, I'd go to the circus.

Anonymous said...

Project 2025 should be enough to decide to vote blue. He denied any association but all of his former cabnet members proudly created it. I am so sick of this lier, they quoted his own words and he denied he said it, we need to move forward. Mad because he was fact checked.

mil262 said...

Even Steven first Joe Biden had a horrible debate with Trump, now Trump has a horrible debate with MVP, I seriously doubt there will be another one before the November election

Anonymous said...

The sistuh slayed!

Anonymous said...

I'll say this, Kamala looked very comfortable up on that stage, like she belonged there!! She showed she is way smarter than what people are giving her credit for.
Its just hard for me to get over the fact that she wants to give a path to citizenship to all these illegals that have invaded the country.
My parents came in legally and worked hard and eventually got there citizenship the right way.
and now this? its a slap in the face to all previous immigrants who did it the right way!!

Anonymous said...

@10:52 but they still came in illegally!?!? You said it yourself 🤷🏽‍♀️

Anonymous said...

who did I say came in illegally? I was talking about the illegal migrants.
Not my parents, they came in legally got there green card, worked hard and contributed taxes, never took any handout, and eventually became citizens.

R in NYC said...

Welp we better get used to the illegals cuz they are the "new n****z". They were let in for a reason.

Anonymous said...

Why is it a slap in the face to those who got in legally? This has nothing to do with them. There have always been horribly unfair quotas placed on brown immigration. Your parents are lucky they were able to get in legally; millions weren't, even if they followed the rules. The system needs to be revamped.

Anonymous said...

@11:17am. Before your parents got their green card, what was their status? They were considered illegal and after that, followed the path for citizenship, but still illegal first nonetheless. There may be others that are doing it the same way but you don't give a d@mn cuz yall here

A Day To Remember said...

I'm calling 911 to report a murder.

Anonymous said...

After watching this debate, Kamala got it in the bag. That orange did not mention not 1 policy!

Anonymous said...

Trump sounded as if he had a 7th grade education going up against Kamala.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there is something fishy with the open borders where spanish and Indian people get green cards while Africans are the smallest percentage... even with this golden path to citizenship being promised..Africans are last on the list. We will see won't we.

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