Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Donald Trump Ordered to Stop Playing Issac Hayes Music

Last month the estate of Isaac Hayes filed a cease and desist notice demanding the Donald Trump campaign for president stop using his music [click here if you missed that].

An injunction has been granted...


LOLOL said...

There are a lot of Yt musicians that would love for Dump to play their music. Trolling Black ppl and disrespecting our music and legacy is what he continues to do. Sue his @$$.

Anonymous said...

There aren't yt musicians who want to play for him. That's the problem.

R in NYC said...

Bwahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Since Issac is not here with us any longer, we know he’s not voting for Don! What’s the big deal, Harris must of paid them.

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