Thursday, September 05, 2024

Donald Trump Admits He Lost the 2020 Election

On January 6, 2021 Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. to stop the certification of the 2020 election, at his urging, after months of claiming the election had been stolen [click here if you missed that].

This week Trump finally admitted he lost...


LOLOL said...

His denial just now catching up with him. Since you admitted it now you can pay out the restitution you owe to ppl that died from your lies. Oh yea and help Rudy with that law suit he owes GA mother and daughter poll workers.

Anonymous said...

Of course he lost!! Any mature thinking adult knew he lost but it was his slow brain dead followers who believed the lies he told. The sad thing is he'll tell on himself and then the next day say the opposite as his followers pretend they didn't hear the lies.

R in NYC said...
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R in NYC said...

Dis fool. Even this relevation is all a stunt and a ploy to get back in the White house. Next!

Anonymous said...

Y'all comprehension skills are non existent! He just told y'all that the election was stolen due to cheating. That's the only reason why he lost!!! He had more votes than any other sitting POTUS. Damn y'all ninjas are slow!

Anonymous said...

cheating has been normalized in every arena...we're just about doomed unless we bring morals back.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s a whole azz wipe, I can’t stand that 🥷 ninja.

Anonymous said...

Christians love Don the Con so much but, yet he’s broken about every commandment there is
1.He lies
2.He steals
3.He cheats
4. He comments adultery every chance he gets
5. Murder (Jan 6) (Covid)

Anonymous said...

Did he say they used Covid to cheat 🤣🤣🤣. No, we just went out and voted his ass out! We didn't want him no more, not in the 1st place either, and rejection hurts.

Anonymous said...

12:51, I wasn't going to listen to Dump speak. I believed the headline from RWS. If they lied throw your comments towards them not the post followers. If you listen what Dump had to say then God will bless you with a brain. LOLO

Anonymous said...

Judging by the pictures you can clearly see Trump is wearing a diaper. 😂 ole big a** orange baby.

Anonymous said...

@2:12 He wears a diaper B’cuz he’s full of shyt

Anonymous said...

This man is very sick in the head. All those loosers who went to jail yelling "stop the steel".

A Day To Remember said...

He lost the popular vote TWICE. He knew he lost all along. Trump is the lowest of the low. Deserves hard time in prison.

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