Friday, September 20, 2024

Diddy Sticks with Extortion Defense

Last year, before settling the $30 million lawsuit filed against him by his ex girlfriend Cassie Ventura, Diddy accused Cassie of trying to extort him [click here if you missed that].

This week, following his arrest for human trafficking [click here if you missed that], Diddy insists the entire case is based on extortion...

Sean "Diddy" Combs has hit back at prosecutors. can reveal the music mogul accused the sole alleged sax trafficking victim named in his indictment of attempting to extort him for $30million.
Combs' attorney, Marc Agnifilo, outlined the alleged extortion attempt in a letter to the judge on September 18.
Combs' attorney not only claimed the woman named in the indictment was not a victim of sax trafficking, but claimed his client had a recorded conversation backing his extortion claims.
The letter stated: "First, there is one alleged sax trafficking victim in the Indictment. One. The government can say what it wants, but what is actually charged is one victim.
"Count Two, charging sax trafficking mentions Victim 1. There is no Victim 2. That one person was in a ten-year romantic relationship with Sean Combs. That one person was an adult woman who lived alone, who never lived with Sean Combs.
He continued: "She had her own friends, she had her own life, as adults tend to do. Mr. Combs and this person were very much in love for a long time, as the many written communications between them show.
"This one person often expressed anger and jealousy because Mr. Combs had another girlfriend, as will be testified to by many witnesses and as the written communications show.
"At the end of Mr. Combs and this person's relationship, she started a relationship with her trainer, which prompted Mr. Combs and the woman to break up. He did not force her stay, but instead, released her from any obligation to his record label.
"A month later, when the mother of four of Mr. Combs' children passed away, this person was present at multiple memorial services around the country to support him. This is not sax trafficking."


Anonymous said...

This is messy, messy, messy!

Anonymous said...

Women staying close to an abuser is not a new thing nor is it a defense.

Anonymous said...

I'm just so glad Beyonce was there to witness the hideous attack with what Cassie went through after she ran to the bathroom. If it wasn't for beyonce defending for Cassie before they left that one time; she might've been physically damaged.

Anonymous said...

To traffick someone is to sell them , seems like everything in the scenario is quite the opposite. Him paying for the services of workers.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, OK....we are going FULL scumbag. Got it.

Anonymous said...

Many people put up with many things solely because they themselves are benefiting or looking to benefit from the "abuser", this man is/was wealthy and she left her boyfriend Ryan Leslie to go with the guy with the most money, status and power in hopes of her benefitting. Not saying he's innocent, but a fair exchange ain't a robbery!

Anonymous said...

@903 What about the women who put up with the same thing from a ninja who broke? Everything don't always boil down to money. It's a psychological thing and most times the men know how to pick em.

Anonymous said...

@9:30am "You wanna go shopping?" should be a new horror film. It's not like Cassie was on the phone telling her boyfriend she about to make a choice to come up. Cassie boyfriend used her to get his music he produced to get the attention

Anonymous said...

9:03 You got a lot to learn about abused women. Nobody with any sense could believe she was taking all that physical and psychological destruction for a bag.

Anonymous said...

@10:08 I truly believe she was ! We don't have to agree, nor do I care if you do or don't ...I said what I said, and that's what I believe. Good day!

Anonymous said...

@10:08, I spoke on this specific situation, that is all, and people who deal with and want to deal with those with money. Both parties want something, and the one with the money runs the show because they can get women /men whomever to do what they want solely because the other party wants something from them.

Anonymous said...

AL B Sure lost his entire family because of The Diddler. Now Im not saying Al is a good person, but Diddy had Kim to isolate Al from his kid and that's not right. Diddy could have multiple girlfriends, but they were not allowed to see other men, even when they broke up. J Hoe only escaped because he had made her a star and she got out at the height of her career. She also was a witness to that setup Shyne took the hit for, so she knew she could leave with info on him and her fame. The other women were not on the same fame level and more co-dependent. The Diddler going down. That "no bail" was a wakeup call. ITs OVER OVER. Take that, Take that TAKE THAT!!! 🤡

Anonymous said...

He had tapes to blackmail all of them. They couldn't leave. That's part of the indictment.

Anonymous said...

Do grown adults (not kids) ever take responsibility for being involved in debauchery and nastiness? Why is it always someone else's fault that they didn't know when to leave or how not to be mistreated? Smh.

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