Friday, September 06, 2024

Damon Dash's Teeth Pop Out on Live

Nine years ago Damon Dash went viral after showing up to the BET Awards with a missing front tooth [click here if you missed that].

Looks like Dame is still dealing with dental issues after his top teeth flew out of his mouth on live stream...


Dame later joked about his dental mishap.


R in NYC said...

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dame is down bad. Somebody start a GoFundMe for some new teefs.

Anonymous said...

My mama is old and still got all her teeth. Health is Wealth.

Lynny said...

Yea my mom and dad have all/ most of their teeth as well. But this is what happens when you wear socks and sneakers and clothes once then throw them out. He never cared about the internal stuff just what was on the outside…. Sad and superficial….hes exactly where he’s supposed to be …

LOLOL said...

All that money he had, and you can't afford implants. Bum
You can't compete with 50ty or nobody because you have nothing.
No music, no clothing line, no movie /Tv bizz, and no artist that want to sign with you. Bloop

Anonymous said...

Poor foolish man. SMH.

Anonymous said...

I learned a long time ago.. the same thing that make you laugh will make you cry. Cracking jokes about how people look and how much money they don’t or do have WILL come back on you! Unfortunately this is what’s to Dame.

Anonymous said...

Still throwing away socks and drawls after one use?

Anonymous said...

Dang dame

Anonymous said...

@5:14 What are drawls?

LOLOL said...

^5:48 PM, dirty under wear. LOLO

Chelle said...

12:43 correct

Anonymous said...

Dame has also had diabetes since he was 15/16 yrs old, so that doesn’t help. (He’s talked about it)

And he drinks constantly. Looks like screwdrivers are his drink of choice (OJ $ vodka). OJ has a lot of natural sugars, so I’m sure that’s not helpful.

I’d bet that he’s an alcoholic, in addition to his chain-smoking weed habit. SMH

Anonymous said...

He must be scared of the pain that implants cause and just don’t want to deal with it but either way it would have been a better solution than dentures. I’m not even clowning his age and not having upper teeth because many people of all races have this issue. It’s just weird when people with money walking around with half azz work on their mouth. I’m sure his wife is not living a slum life, so he has the money..

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