Monday, September 16, 2024

Court Orders Rachel Lindsay's Ex to Get a Job

Two months ago The Bachelorettes' Rachel Lindsay was ordered to pay her ex husband, Bryan Abasolo, $13k a month in temporary alimony [click here if you missed that].  

Now Bryan is trying to extend his payments after the judge ordered him to get a job...
According to court documents obtained by Us Weekly on Thursday, September 12, Lindsay’s average monthly income is now listed as $48,368, which is $1,000 less than the amount the court used to calculate spousal support two months earlier.
Abasolo legal team, however, won’t agree to the new numbers and also doesn’t agree with the court’s decision that support should end on March 1, 2026.
On July 10, the court ordered Lindsay to pay her ex $13,257 per month in support based on a monthly income of $49,368. She would also have to pay $15,000 in attorney’s fees and costs and $5,000 in forensic expert fees and costs.
In court documents obtained by Us in July, a judge advised Abasolo to pursue more work and not rely on his ex’s spousal support, which will eventually come to an end. (Abasolo previously told the court that his career as a chiropractor suffered after he moved to support Lindsay’s entertainment career.)
"This is a short-term marriage where support is going to be short in duration,” court docs stated. “Both parties need to work to support themselves so that neither is permanently dependent on the spousal support order that’s going to be issued in this case.”
The judge also reminded the couple they are “not fighting over very much,” especially without any children involved.
“When people fight over money, it gets very emotional,” the court stated. “Marital standards of living change when people get divorced. It’s unfortunate, but that’s what happens. They don’t have to change immediately, but they do. They do change.”


Anonymous said...

A Male Taking Money From A Woman ✔️

Can NOT Call Himself A Man 💯

F What Anyone Says 😭

Anonymous said...

This hustler is so obvious she should have seen him coming.

Anonymous said...

The judge came to RWS and read our comments reflecting the same. GET A JOB. Lolo Bum
Why do they need $5k for forensic?

R in NYC said...

Bwahahahaha 🤣😭🤣 Dude tried to pull a Kevin Federline with no kids. He should have at least knocked her up with a few babies and then cashed out.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Told them they’re not fighting over very much. 13K a month isn’t very little

Anonymous said...

He's a bum. Even the Bible says if a man won't work, he won't eat.

Anonymous said...

😂😂😂. Get a job, ninja!
I like this judge!👍🏽

Anonymous said...

12:17 that part

Anonymous said...

Until March 2 0 2 6!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

he thinks $160,000 (at least) she's going to have to pay him over the next YEAR+ isnt enough and wants it extended!? he better go holler at mcdonalds! they always hiring!

imagine calling yourself a "doctor" of anything and crying about not being able to make a livina year is more than enough time for him to be back in practice. lazwhat a clown!

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