Sunday, September 22, 2024

Chingy Performing for Log Cabin Republicans

Fourteen years ago rapper Chingy's career was ruined after transgender backup dancer Sidney Starr falsely claimed they had a relationship [click here if you missed that]. 

This month Chingy is headlining an event for the LGBTQ group the 'Log Cabin Republicans...' 


Anonymous said...

I guess he enjoys being canceled.

Anonymous said...

Make you money and cancel the cancel culture

Anonymous said...

"Cancel Culture" has always existed. They just gave it a name when Black people started canceling folks.

Same with "Race Card" .... Always existed, but they came up with a catchy name for it when Black people started calling others on it.

Loka said...

He's an adult and has bills to pay. He doesn't owe strangers any explanation.

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter? Wasn't nobody fooling with him no way. After that scandal with Sidney, he fell off big time. Let the white folks have him if they want him.

Anonymous said...

All money ain’t good money especially when it disturbs your peace.

Anonymous said...

Log Cabin Republicans are all gay. He's with his people.

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