Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Cardi B Snaps on Fans Over Maternity Shoot Graffiti

Rapper Cardi B snaps after fans notice shocking graffiti on the wall for her maternity shoot...


R in NYC said...

Cardi cares too much about what people think. Very insecure woman. She needs to just keep it moving instead of addressing every perceived slight that comes her way. This is exhausting.

LOLOL said...

Keep it cute and pay folks no mind. If you tell ppl to leave you alone they will. Then where will be with low to no music sales. Be careful what you ask for.

Shafrika Lights said...

How could you not see what the graffiti was saying before you took a photo; over dumb ass paparazzi??? Not buying it.

Anonymous said...

I’m still lost on what they were complaining about. Is it that it is graffiti or what the graffiti says? Can someone tell me because I’m missing something.

Ms. Transformation said...

@142 It says Ped0ph.... in white over the other graffiti

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ms. Transformation. I'm with Cardi. I would have never noticed it, either.

Anonymous said...

I wish some of you online aunties or a big sis would go over to Cardi and tell her to stop it. These people are trolls and they thrive on negativity, with the hopes that Cardi responds. When is she going to learn. I would pay those people dust!

Anonymous said...

People do read graffiti. Word did mess up the shoot. But why ppl have to harasa her after she gave an explanation..idk

Anonymous said...

Photo shoot fail. No matter the reason, that word ruins the photo.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t notice the writing either. I don’t think I would have saw it. However Cardi should have it photoshopped out.

Anonymous said...

These people are disgusting. What a term to use in general, but particularly as a mother. They keep trying to usher in the agenda of acceptance. Advertising is VERY powerful.

They knew EXACTLY what the graffiti said and unfortunately, they’re probably the ones who placed it there — for shock value & to get people talking about her maternity shoot pics.

We already know you’re pregnant with you’re 3rd kid with your cheating bum of a husband — like, who cares??

Still with the bird behavior & responses. Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I see it now. Still isn’t an issue. I actually believe Cardi on this. I initially saw the blue graffiti so it really could have been a mistake when rushing to take a good shot! It can still be photoshopped. She looks good, though!
Now for the trolls.
WE KNOW YOU ALL DON’T HAVE A LIFE! Keep in mind that same negative energy you’re putting out does absolutely returns in full fashion. Ever wonder why a lot of you ninjas stay never getting ahead?
Think on it. Get a clue. It’s the negative energy being returned back to you. Those who seem to be innocent around you are hit because they are in your negative energy. Ever hear the term cracks in a barrel? Negativity is infectious. Stand too close, you get bit. You become a bitter Betty/Bob.

Cardi, many of us don’t give two shyts. We wish you wouldn’t either. Give BeyoncĂ© a call on how she does it. Listen, absorb the lesson, do better, girl!

Anonymous said...

*crabs on a barrel*
Some of y’all are crackheads.

Anonymous said...

This some $h!+
How could the photographer or any professional worth their salt not notice. Shameless publicity stunt . all this programming nonsense hidden in plain sight. Protect the kids yall , protect your heart and head . They out here mining minds.

Anonymous said...

Either she is an illiterate or she is part of the agenda to push pedophilia to the black young people who listens to her music. How hard is this to understand?

Anonymous said...

Your ads are becoming annoying ASF.!!!!!!!!! Ease up on them or I won't be coming back if I keep getting a big a$$ baby ad. OT another it a tiny tiny tiny X up top to close that af. Makes it virtually impossible to close the ad w/o bring redirected to the ads page.

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