Sunday, September 01, 2024

Boyz II Men Reunite with Michael McCary

Earlier this year it was reported that R&B singing group Boyz II Men were working on a biopic [click here if you missed that].

Over the weekend Boyz II Men reunited with estranged member Michael McCary...

Boyz II Men singer Shawn Stockton shared the pic and put to rest rumors about Boyz II Men's relationship with McCary. 


Anonymous said...

I'm not interested in your bio pic because I don't find y'all that interesting. So take your skinny ugly behind back to Phill and STHU.

Anonymous said...

Michael was done so dirty. I bet they want to use him because he's the light they need to draw an audience.

Anonymous said...


Or maybe people just grow the fk up and realize life is too short for petty beefs. Maybe one day you can relate

Anonymous said...

They can still be cool to this day. Doesn't mean they didn't do him wrong. It just means he forgave them. But they're still grimey.

Anonymous said...

If he wasn't pulling his weight in the group and missing shows what other option did they have but to fire him? Hopefully he finally got his act together.

Gg57 said...

En Vogue is next

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! Were we all living in the twilight zone when Mike himself was on an Iyanla episode and said right out of his mouth that the "brotherhood", i.e. Boyz II Men, treated him like ish? I know I wasn't the only one who heard everything he said about how they treated him worse than a long lost step cousin. Somebody is lying!

Anonymous said...

Nobody really cares any more about crispy Shawn and this group. They don't really have nothing to tell that I want hear.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:24 and 4:29 are the same - definitely ugly and dirty, inside and out. Sorry your life has always sucked... unless you’re a bot paid to be here to show hate and create chaos

Anonymous said...

I remember this. He was having medical issues hence the cane he was using. People thought it was a style thing. The medical issues prevented him from a lot of shows. They were hot and wasn’t trying to miss the moment! Michael Bivens did to them what was done to New Edition in their early years. A lot of drama that could be Biopic worthy!

Anonymous said...

I saw Boyz II Men & Robin Thicke in Las Vegas...great show! And to 12:37 PM they can still pull an audience!

Anonymous said...

They targeted him and harassed him. Possibly causing his medical issues, if not exacerbating it. They need him, not the other way around.

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