Friday, September 06, 2024

Beyonce Shares New Birthday Pics

Beyoncรฉ shares a new picture set in honor of her 43rd birthday...


Anonymous said...

She's a hard worker and deserves some play time. Hope she had fun.

Anonymous said...

That don't look fun. Looks like advertising. Lonely advertising. Poor Bey. Don't get a break.

Anonymous said...

By 43rd Birthday, they mean 48th!

Anonymous said...

At this juncture , she'd look better in jeans and a t-shirt. Fire the no style "stylist", the retro 50's look isn't working as does nothing they put her on.

Chelle said...

8:45 True

R in NYC said...

Yeah her stylist sucks. Tries too hard to look bohemian, artistic or whatever the hell that's suppose to be. The dress looks like a Shein or Temu buy one get two free special.

LOLOL said...

Love the shoes. I didn't know she drinks.

R in NYC said...

9:37 Google her drunk pics

Anonymous said...

See, Ladies that's what you have to do to keep your black man. Work hard so he can retire, no matter what he looks like cause there's a far and a few of them. Kudos.....

Anonymous said...

Well her true skin color back atleast.๐Ÿ‘ Until it's time to go promote something else. Happy B day Bey. She a hard worker for sure. I see she got that Sir Davis in hed hand with a cigar. Even on vacation she still selling. Bey, There's noting wrong with a work hard, play harder mindset. ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Anonymous said...

She been 43 for a while now?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜† But She STILL looks better than most 20 year Olds. ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿฅณ

Anonymous said...

Maybe 45, but def not 46-48 bc i know she’s not that close to my year. I was in college when destiny’s child came out in the 90s and i remember a big houston article that showed this new girl group that started from star search to now about to blow up as stars and they were def teenagers and not college age.

Anonymous said...

I heard she was school mates with Gabby Union, she's allegedly closer to 50.

Anonymous said...

Her daddy admitted he lied about all their ages so I do believe Gabrielle Union on B being about 50. Especially since they years ago asked for her birth records to be private. She still looks great regardless. Get them Bey! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿฅณ

Anonymous said...

Ya'll panini pressed over her age....STILL.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I like this better than actually flaunting bling bling. She has good health to enjoy her wealth! That’s what it’s all about!
To another year! Happy Birthday, girl!

Anonymous said...

Besides the typical photo op I don't think I've ever seen her enjoying herself around other women unless it's doormat Kelly or Solange, and even they eventually got the memo. Does she have any real friends? She always looks lonely and very sad to me for sure, which is different than being alone. It's like she's cosplaying the woman who has it all.

Money can't buy happiness but that's all I see with this chick -- she stay chasing money and peddling products as if she's broke. If I had her kind of loot at 43, 50 or whatever, I don't know if "working" would still be my top priority, and especially not when I still have young kids to raise. And J out here in the water looking like the spawn of the Loch Ness monster and Predator. Eeek.

Anonymous said...

Whatever her age is she looks better than most of y'all Gremlins on this thread hiding behind a computer. LOLO

Anonymous said...

You can always tell how small a person's brain is when their best clap back is how much better a millionaire looks compared to an anonymous stranger. ๐Ÿ™„

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is the site for gremlins ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™„

Anonymous said...

Boy j is a real jerk๐Ÿ˜ฎ‍๐Ÿ’จ
We know B got a drunk problem he stays tighten her up so now since Puff out the way he can make money off the imports export ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œn make this chick who was born in ๐Ÿงข cap connect the dots with the number 4 etc .. sad jerk face j is enabling this low IQ ๐Ÿš€ space head.. unbelievable

Anonymous said...

Happy 50th Birthday Bee n many more

Anonymous said...

3:48 and 8:42 are both childish and probably uglier than a gremlin. Please go over to Sandra Rose with your foolishness

Anonymous said...

Free Beyonce
send the wellness police something.

Anonymous said...

Jay in the water looking CRAZY like dogs u shouldn't done that like 25 years ago

Mean while as per usual they separate fake everything with these 2

Anonymous said...

Oh, please! There are woman in Hollywood who are t millionaires and they still look better than the trolls here!
That comment made me chuckle! Anything to soothe your jealousy and projections of inadequacy! So many roads to cover. Pick one and just floss in your lane!

Anonymous said...

*are not*

Anonymous said...

LOL, remember how she turned 40 like 5 years straight. At least the needle is moving

Anonymous said...

She really is trying to integrate with the world again. I’m surprised she’s vacationing on land again and not on a yacht.

Anonymous said...

10:16 You sound stupid. You basic Beyawnce trolls always get butt hurt over any criticism of your satanic Queen. Seek help immediately.

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