Monday, September 09, 2024

Beyoncé Shares Cecréd Sunday Ritual

Beyoncé shares her Cecréd Sunday ritual with deep condition...


Anonymous said...

...what fried hair looks like.

R in NYC said...

Yeah she needs it. Bleaching the hair dries it out.

Anonymous said...

Her vacation done? Why she saying I? Someone else is doing it at a salon.

Anonymous said...

Her cross eyes was cute

Anonymous said...

Whenever she does these cecred videos, she's always making sure the top section of her head is being held down.

Anonymous said...

She is so weird. Why use a filter? Whàt happened to "I woke up like this?"

Anonymous said...

@10:20 It's because the video has a filter on it. It looks weird because they arent a natural eye color. The Green CONTACTS she wears more apparent.💯 She has medium to hazel brown eyes but for years has been wearing green contacts on top of her real eye color to make her eyes appwae to be more lighter. If you go back to the old Destiny Child's albums and pictures you will see her lighter brown not green eye color. 🎯 with this filter the contacts jump out at you and look weird because it's like a filter canceling out another filter on top. You can see the outline of the contacts and their markings She is not crossed eyed just contacts 😩👀

Anonymous said...

@10:20 So yes the real cross eye she did was cute, the coss eyed she looks on thes still photos above are because they were pulled from the video wirh the filter effect i suppose to make her look younger and contacts. 👀

Anonymous said...

She white now.

Anonymous said...

Uh Huh 🙌🏿

Now Do Jay Z 💅🏿

Anonymous said...

Why so much hate in these comments?! I guarantee most of the negative commenters are ugly, fat & miserable!

Anonymous said...

She looks very cute and so YOUNG.
He hair seems as healthy as possible with the blond bleach in it. Good for her.

Anonymous said...

Must be slow sales. Rihanna killing the scene being her naturally bubbly self.

Anonymous said...

I love Bey. She's got a good product on her hands. That's all I use on my hair now and whew! My new growth is amazing. I wish I had this product when I first went natural. BTW, SirDavis is excellent too!

Anonymous said...

@ 3:01^^^^ LIES LIES LIES!!!!
Put this crap with the rest of the chemically induced products that cause all kinds of health problems..
REMEMBER the movie "They Cloned Tyrone" straight told the truth..beware of hair products pushed by elite puppets that do their evil bidding.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell this drunk hoe to wash her fake husband wig, BUT don't let him put his head back we DO NOT need to see up those grand canyon nostrils he got for sure we don't need to see that.

Anonymous said...

I know fake hair when I see it, @1:50 you can't shame ppl into buying into the BS.

Anonymous said...

If you Beyawnce trolls don't get the hell on. Always butt hurt we don't worship at her satanic throne.

Anonymous said...

3:01 is Solange or Kelly.

A Day To Remember said...

That hair look FRIED! 🍳

Anonymous said...

She looks like her nephew here geesh. I like how her product brought her hair back to life, but too bad Rihanna is competition. She needs some of that Fenty hair repair product for that bleached hair.

Anonymous said...

Fake fake fake. We are not stupid and that is not your real hair. Why do they do this foul fake nonsense? You are loved because of your talent and beauty. Stop with these lying ass videos. All us black women know that is not your hair and lose mad respect when you do this.

Anonymous said...

That hair looks dry and damaged.

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