Friday, September 06, 2024

Alleged Side Piece Threatens to Sue Tamar

This week Tamar Braxton shared the Instagram profile of a woman called Jailyn H on social media, after accusing her ex-husband, Jeremy Robinson, of whisking Jailyn off to the Four Seasons in New Orleans on her credit card [click here if you missed that]. 

Jailyn says it's not true and is considering legal action...

After Tamar's post about Jailyn went viral, Jailyn set the record straight in her comment section and also shared a song called, "I'm Suing You."


Anonymous said...

No one knows Jailyn H , so it's not like it's slander , move along girl, thirsting for clout!

Anonymous said...

^^^So, according to you, only celebrities can sue for slander? That makes no sense.

R in NYC said...

Tamar needs her azz whupped. All this highschool drama is lame.

rksu747 said...

Let her sue. There will be discovery and Tamar's attorneys will be all over it and the woman will have to prove that she wasn't with JR in New Orleans. They will also pursue the texts, calls, and DMs between JR and her and then her business will be even more out there. If they are savvy they would go after her gps location as well.

The sad thing is that Tamar has let that YT devil make her look like a fool because we know that he is putting his sidepiece up to suing Tamar so that he can shake her down one last time. If Tamar were smart, she would say, "Fk this friendship and those kids" and pursue JR for stealing her credit card. Tamar trying to maintain a pseudo family structure for the sake of "their" kids is what's going to leave her open and vulnerable to his attacks. She needs to accept that she gave birth to one child and worry about that one, because if JR cared about his own kids and their relationship with their stepmother, he wouldn't be trying to make her look like a fool publicly, string her along and shake her down.

Anonymous said...

Are they really married or the beach commitment ceremony?

Anonymous said...

Why you say he’s trying to make her look like a fool publicly when she’s the one who started it by publicly accusing him! He has every right to defend himself.

Anonymous said...

Using you celebrity status to sick mentally deranged fans on private citizens can show nuff get you sued.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant ninjas always talking about suing. Anybody can sue but that doesn't mean they'll win. What damage did this chick suffer? Besides some hurt feelings, what else did she lose? This whole scenario is like high school.

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